Perseus and Andromeda

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My courtship nondescript found you! vividly

To submit this hand onto updraft innocence

Showed ocean nymphs for diligence art dolefully

Rue a short ensuing 'nstead, to you, seen fastened,

Stifled in sultry, fettered to an oyster bed,

Cold, disdaining, I, touching down with your malice

Rends me for solicitude there not I who left

Making your pain one with mine -- curbed in chalice

Welling 'gainst brief hour'd riot, shunned a home from theirs.

Total offering, rather my votive, -- Zeus' son

By earn'ng merits attained which sole conflate refers

Th' original -- where starts; allay 't's conclusion.

But let us love till old lovers tire 'f seeing us;

Life 'tween life's most opaque yet still life's before us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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