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A collection of verse monologues from the Metamorphoses on the subject of Romantic love, the infatuation of the gods to regret from elective affinities, as criticism of one form of love's adulation in Alexandrine sonnet form to argue correctly the proper tractions, fully of the heart, its worth, as well as by the choices the mortals rack in consequence.

Coming from my interpretation understood of the transformations of Ovid, mending both contemporary views of love as a singular feeling of faith and the utilitarian traction, in witness to the infatuation of the gods and men here retold to evoke a sense of trust and reconciliation back into the proper stamps of Love's jurisprudence drawn from the aegis of dramatic pathos; so defining love, outsized by life between two worlds.

Published as an offshoot to the Book of Longing within certain parameters of how must Romantic feeling should enjoy the bonds of the romantic, with flings or with flail, what is loved encountered and underwent, brought from the authority Ovid disregards offering all lovers their own percipience of union a posteriori.

I compiled this collection for a specified and thoughtful artistic move pertaining to an understanding of love. The unwavering popularity and influence Ovid's grace of poetry affects late-Romanticism today, (as I believe it) being the dominant idea of love, finding many giving up on the idea of its relationships must consider its difficulties thoroughly before any value-judgment, recommending my small collection first to find worthiness, healing, desperation, elopements, and spite. Because Love deserves the selfless, the amiable, the promise-doer, the sufficient, the economic, the house-warmer, the poetic, (not the poet) and the impossibly perfect fiction of it all. Because everyone are lovers, only with different tiers of disappointing. Though art's a charade in a world of mere endings.

Like Hume's exercise of an inferential logarithm of the two-fold perception, viz. the idea of love and its impression, and further on a consortium of their so-called opposites, as love is to hatred, pride to humility, being mere both sides of the same coin. Using poetry as my loose criterion for this teleology I've concerned myself with since the last two publications, in terms of reconciliation, of constancy, on a kind of 'guide,' continuing the thought process of the tales' characters I chose be the maturity of my readers' conception of love as altruism, the molding of one another in learning-out against the days since the head Olympian separated our bodies.

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