Eight ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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"The Threat"

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"The Threat"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Winter arrived at the broadcast room later that night with all intentions of staying there to watch the Games.

Things usually became more lively under the fall of darkness, where it was harder to be seen, and Winter wanted to be there in case anything happened. Dolon had told her that he had it covered, that he'd alert her if anything changed but she couldn't shake the feeling of worry from her stomach that Reaper would set this whole thing off and she'd miss it.

She had left Sejanus who expressed his want for a bath and then to sleep after she had made sure that he was alright. It had been a long, heartbreaking day for the boy and she didn't blame him for needing it to end. She gave him a final kiss and promised that everything was going to be alright before she headed back.

Coriolanus was jolted from his half-slumber state at the sound of a chair being moved. He turned and saw his line of vision to Winter was now clear by Lysistrata Vickers' absences. He took her in fully as she sat, slouched in her chair, watching as her eyes flicked up to make sure she hadn't missed anything while she was gone. Her pale freckled face was still flushed a light shade of pink, her curls had been pulled back out of her face, and she looked tired. Exhausted. But she still looked beautiful.

He knew it was foolish of him to still think that about her, especially when she had made her feelings towards him clear, but he couldn't help it. He had never been the romantic type, never keen on the idea of being in love but he had loved Winter, even if it was in his own, twisted way.

He was smart enough to know that people like Winter deserved to be admired, like beautiful, otherworldly treasures kept behind glass at a museum. To be envied so much that people weren't sure whether they wanted to be her or be with her. These were all things that he could ensure she'd have if she had chosen him, but she didn't. It was her loss. He'd be the President of the entire country one day and she'd be slumming it with Sejanus.

He can have her, he thought. He knew that the boy would eventually want to head back to the District's one day and Winter would follow no doubt. She wouldn't last five minutes out there with those barbarians. Not without access to her money, or her fine clothes. There was no place for her there. She'd spend the rest of her life regretting what she had done. Wishing for another chance to be by his side. Safe in the Capitol, with him. Where she belonged. And he, being the gracious man that he was, might consider giving her another chance.

She'd have to prove her worth though. He didn't know what he'd have her do to show him that she was going to be loyal. Maybe he'd have her sign over her family home to him? Maybe he'd have her hire someone to off her father? Maybe he'd have her do it herself? The possibilities ran endlessly through his brain.

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