As I stepped inside the school, It was as if I was breathing in new air from being in an unfamiliar place and surrounded by unfamiliar people, The eyes of the other students fell on me like I was fresh Meat that stepped into the jungle.

I needed to ask them for directions to the Principal's office, such a simple task but with all of these eyes on me it was pretty difficult...until I finally gathered my strength and said.

"Can anyone tell me where the Principal's office is?"

I asked followed by a gulp as the students began to mutter between each other, still giving me glances and such until one student approached me.

"Sure I'll take you there, C'mon"

He said while slinging one arm around me as if we were buddies and in the meantime leading me away from the crowd and into the hallway to my left.

"You must be the new student here huh? Everybody's heard a new student was being transferred here, And now they're going to know it was you"

Why did he make it sound like I shouldn't have done that like it was a bad thing?

"Words travel fast here man, that's why you always gotta be careful at what you're saying"

Sam also added before we finally stopped by a wooden door with the words Principal's Office on it.

"Here we are man, Oh and by the way I'm Sam, Sam Witwicky"

He said whilst extending his hand which I politely shook followed by a small nod and smile.

"I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N. Thanks for uh telling me those I'll..keep that in mind"

I said before he gave my shoulder a farewell pat as he began to walk away, Once Sam was gone I reached for the door handle, and just as I was about to turn it, a voice from the inside said.

"I've been expecting you Mr. L/N, Please come in"

That was way too accurate, I thought while opening the door further only to be met empty office?

As I closed the door and looked around placing my bags on the floor, Inside the office there was no desk just a couch and a coffee table in the middle with a big TV hung up on the wall.

"Over here.."

There it is again, The voice of that woman coming from the TV. As I walked towards the television it slowly turned on and something..or a figure appeared on the TV.

"Good morning Y/N L/N, I am Quintessa the principal of this school

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"Good morning Y/N L/N, I am Quintessa the principal of this school. Take a seat young man"

Her voice was an echo like a warble but it was clear and beautiful, I took a seat down from one of the couches while Quintessa spoke again.

"I'm so glad you arrived here safely, And on time that's very good. Now you must be wondering why you are the only transferee in this school"

On the screen of the TV, It showed my student profile on the left side, and on the right were my grades, Nothing too impressive so I was itching to get the answer of being accepted Into this prestigious school.

"Transformer Academy was once an All Girl school, Divided into two sides known as Autogals and the Deceptigals. Before I decided to finally accept Male students, Like Mr Sam Witwicky who helped guide you here. Very fidgety that boy, but he is kind"

As Quintessa explained, currently not all Boys who apply here are accepted, and they are chosen like me and Sam, I guess I was lucky to be accepted this semester.

"The rest will be answered at the Opening Ceremony before lunch. Let's get you aquatinted into your dorm. Ms Prime will help you"

As she mentioned the person who would help me, The door behind me slowly opened to reveal a beautiful girl with long blue hair and neon blue eyes holding a book.

As she mentioned the person who would help me, The door behind me slowly opened to reveal a beautiful girl with long blue hair and neon blue eyes holding a book

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She quietly stepped into the room, Giving me a small bow followed by a small smile.

"My name is Optinessa Prime, It is nice to meet you"

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