#16: The Plan and who is A? in C&A??

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3rd Person's POV

Jax falls into a state of abstraction, where his mischievous antics become twisted and unpredictable. His friends must navigate a surreal landscape of riddles and challenges to bring him back to reality and restore their bond.

Ragatha sneaked outside of their hiding spot once more before going back to others to make a plan, a very serious one
Since the coast is clear, no abstracted Jax on sight, they carefully and quietly started a conversation
"Guys... We need a plan to fix all of this" Ragatha calmly said
"First of all, how did this h-happened..?" Gangle weakly asked as Pomni just avoided eye contact with her
"The three had a fight about believing and with the real exit's key" Kinger simply answered
"Like how exactly?? It's new that Jax simply- hold on a min... Real Exit Key??" Zooble confusedly asked, the word caught their attention well
"I d-don't know if he was really telling the truth like you know him, he always plays with pranks and jokes so it's hardly convincing if which was real" Ragatha muttered
I knew he was hiding something important all this time but I don't really give a fuck and I really hate about that Zooble thought

"Guys, believe me or not, it's the fact, he is telling the truth. I'm sorry if I just told you this now but we don't really have evidences of the truth so..... Did he showed any proof, somehow?" Zooble asked
"Well... he showed us the key in his hand" Ragatha answered
"And where is it now?" Gangle asked
"Still in his hand... somewhere.." Pomni finally spoke, still feeling guilty of what she did
"Okay let's just not waste any time with these questions, like what Ragatha said, let's make a plan" Zooble said in serious tone
"How..? What's the plan?" Gangle asked, still unsure if any plan would work but all of them have faith in each others
"In order to bring Jax back to his right mind... And to undo his abstraction... None of us will call Caine unless it's necessary" Ragatha stated
"Caine? Psh, don't put your hopes on him anymore because he's a traitor" Zooble bluntly said
"Wha- why? What happened?" Ragatha asked
"He knew all this time, he knew this is all gonna happen, explanations later" Zooble murmured

Minutes later
Abstracted Jax was still wandering around the circus, finding any target he would attack while his friends are still making a good plan, they were doing their best so that none of them will ever fail
"How about we embark on a journey through Jax's favorite locations in the circus, but expect we could encounter whimsical puzzles and illusions along the way." Gangle suggested, the others started listening close as Ragatha had an idea as well regarding to Gangle's
"Make sense... let's collect pieces of memories that resonate with Jax, piecing them together to restore his sense of self and break free from the abstraction." Ragatha added
Zooble then dropped a fist on their palm as they get their point, saying with a low voice "That's it! It would be a perfect one, so we must stay focus as possible"

"But... He only has 2 fav places to stay in my own knowledge.." Ragatha muttered with her hand on her chin, thinking deeply
"Which is..?" Zooble asked
"Mainly his room and the digital carnival" Ragatha answered
"I know another one, he often go to the roof of the tent to stargaze" Gangle protested, pointing up her ribbon hand
"Well, he likes the grounds, mainly in the grass to sleep" Zooble joined
"So he have 5 fav locations, the last one was being in the Gloink Queen nest" Kinger concluded
"Wait, really? Are you sure? Not being rude but-" Ragatha asked but quickly interrupted by Kinger
"I'm absolutely sure"

"So... Turns out we'll all separate in order to go to these places.." Pomni muttered
"I choose Jax's room, and don't worry about me at all" Gangle confidently volunteered
"Alright... I'll go... at the carnival" Ragatha said
"I'll go to my insect collection!" Kinger exclaimed still quiet as possible
"You mean at Gloink Queen's den?" Gangle asked

"Me... At the roof then.." Pomni muttered
"The grounds" Zooble simply said
There was a long silence for a while until Ragatha started a conversation again
"So... That settles it.. I wish you luck, guys, please... be careful on your ways"
"You too Rags" Pomni kindly told her
"We know, so we must not mess this chance up alright, damn.. Jax, you really are a troublemaker" Zooble stated as Gangle just giggled at their words
The five friends then carefully left their hiding spot and started to look around
Messy as it is, still no abstracted Jax on sight, they sighed in relief.

They formed a circle at first then did a fist bomb to each other
"This is it, let's save a friend!" Ragatha exclaimed then all of them went to their separate ways, more like their chosen locations

With the eyes of Caine being everywhere, watching the whole scenes, he muttered.....

"Oh Abelle, at least show me some signs that would make everything more better... Been decades and still no luck on success?... I always can wait but these superstars can't"

"What About Me.." - Jax Angst (TADC Fanfic) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora