Chapter 12. Decisions

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She turns to look at me and her eyes darken but she does not reply, only turns back to the ongoing rally between Udyr and Sebastian.

"You kept my daughter hidden from me." Sebastian snaps continuing his face-off with Urdy, both of them oblivious to Quilla's reaction.

"I kept her alive." Udyr snaps back.

"You kept her as a replacement for your dead wife and cub." Silence descends in the room as Neo steps forward, her words falling like ice on Udyr who sucks in a breath.

"You don't know what you are talking about," he growls low after composing himself.

The shortest shifter in the room with a powerful aura that parts the room as she strides forward, Neo stands before Udyr with eyes that turn to surprising gentleness.

"I know your mate and cub died only months before you found Quilla. Truly I am sorry for your loss and I am glad that Quilla brought you comfort and love. I am glad you became the family each other needed, and I will never be able to thank you enough for killing Cain and saving her from him."

The room hushes as Neo bows her head to Udyr. Sebastian stands beside her and does likewise.

I don't question how Neo was able to find this information about Udyr in such a short time. I long ago learned there is little Neo can achieve when she sets her mind to it.

When Neo and Sebastian raise their heads they focus their attention on Quilla.

"We did not come here to fight or to take you away. We only came because we have spent every day since the day you were taken searching for you, and now we are here to support you. I know these bears are your family, but we are too. We love you as much as they do and we have missed you with every breath we have breathed. It is our deepest desire for you to come with us and give us a chance to know you."

I have never seen Neo cry. The air fills with the saltiness of her tears as she steps away from Quilla holding her head proudly high. Sebastian takes her hand and together they step back.

"Whatever you decide Quilla, we will support you, and we will be here for you," Sebastian says.

Silence descends across the room with every eye on Quilla.

Her emotions, raw and bitter, overflow like a tsunami drowning us all in her internal conflict. My chest constricts and aches as the fresh bond growing between us is triggered by the intensity of her deep feelings.

I can taste her pain and her guilt. The latter of which surprises me and my eyes seek hers. Frustration consumes me as she continues to ignore me. Kyros demands we comfort our mate, as we should, but I know for a fact any move I make will be met with a stake through my heart.

Holding my place at the bar I can only watch helplessly.

Quilla turns and looks at Neo and Sebastian, her arms enclosing herself as if to keep herself from breaking.

"Udyr is my father." She whispers looking at Sebastian.

Pain seeps through Sebastian's skin but his face holds firm as he nods.

"Jensen, my brother. Uncle Borra, Aunt Mishka, Boaz and Dyani, my family."

Around the room, the male bears move in to surround Quilla.

I flex my claws, Kyros on the verge of shifting as he feels us losing a battle we have not even started. His eyes narrow on the two young unmated bears, jealousy sitting uncomfortably in our gut as the younger places a comforting hand on her shoulder and she turns to smile at him.

I can't help the low rumble of discontent Kyros releases, and for a second Quilla finally looks my way only to dismiss me again raising her chin and looking back to Neo and Sebastian.

When she speaks next there is a firmness in her tone that commands the whole room. Her spine straightens and her eyes rim in gold as her wolf comes to the fore.

As her eyes pass across the room each of my lycans averts their eyes and bows their head under the power of her stare.

My chest swells with pride as I see the Luna in my mate rear.

"You will all wait here and not cause any trouble. No fighting and no shifting. The bar is open but it's not free. There is a cafe down the road if you are hungry."

She focuses on Neo and Sebastian and her demeanor shifts, her wolf immediately recognizing her Alpha parents, relaxing her tone.

"I need to speak with my family. I will let you know what I decide in the morning."

The hope I have that she will cast me even a tiny glance dissolves as she turns and disappears through a door at the back of the tavern with the bears following her.

The door closes with a definitive click.

Costas walks over to me with a frown, "We will wait?" he asks."Of course, we will fucking wait. Today, tomorrow, and every fucking day until she is ready to leave." I snap and turn to my lycans.

"You heard your Luna, don't even breathe wrong. I'm in no fucking mood to clean up any messes."

I head toward the door with Costas on my tail.

"What are you going to do Alpha?" he asks as we walk down the quiet street heading towards the woods and the back of Quilla's home.

My goal is clear in my mind as I tread across her backyard and stand under a black oak tree with a clear line of sight into her bedroom window.

"I'm going to make it impossible for her to make any other decision than to leave with me tomorrow."


The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 5: TAKENWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu