Chapter One : Practice

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Dasha's pov. -

Groaning, I turn to my side, the wrinkled white bedsheets encasing me in a warm loose hold, comfortably keeping me safe. By my side, I see her beautiful face, sleeping calmly, her wavy brown hair sprawled all around her. She's the most gorgeous thing ever. Lifting my arm out from the blankets, I reached for her stunning face, touching her cheek. Her skin is so warm and soft. I think. With a light touch, I move her hair behind her ear, as she groans softly. "Dasha..." She speaks, I couldn't tell if she had an annoyed tone or if she wasn't trying. Startled at the sudden awakening of my girlfriend, I quietly replied.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry.." My voice was soft, resembling like cotton clouds in a beautiful sunset. The blinds left warm lines of sun on Vada's face, her eyes were so beautiful and big, her long dark eyelashes so full and amazing, and the color. Oh the color of her eyes. In the sunlight of the broken blinds, I could have mistaken the brown beauties for a pool of fresh honey, or a necklace crafted from the finest gems and golds, they were like shelves of trinkets, or presents under the tree, ornaments lit with an orange glow from the heat of the fireplace. Being able to gaze into them even better. Vada was too perfect to exist, And she is all mine.

Dasha realized she was staring, and finally broke the silence as Vada began to smile in her direction.

"We have school, I guess you accidentally stayed the night again." I spoke to her, a little louder this time.

"Erggg.." Vada mumbled, pressing her face into the soft pillow beneath her head. Muffled from the fabric, she also scuffed out, "Maybe we should just skip today..". I perked up at the statement, now with my weight on my elbows, my back slightly arched from the way I was laying on my stomach.

"We couldn't. Don't you think Ellie and Caster would be suspicious? I mean our phones were ringing off the hook the time we skipped class." The corners of my lips faltered up, a small grin applying itself to my features as I reminded myself of the funny occasion. I couldn't tell if Vada was smiling or not, to be honest I couldn't see her face at all anymore, it being so buried in the pillows.

"Eeeeerrggg" She mumbled once more. Looking at the state she was in, I knew she was tired. I mean, we had kind of stayed up until four in the morning, but that was her fault.

"Fine. But if I get more than seven calls we're going to school and saying we slept i-" Before I could finish my sentence, Vada rolled herself over, hooking my neck in the grasps of her arms, pulling me down onto her chest. I pressed my face into her neck, leaving small pleasant kisses on her. She smelt like warm vanilla all the time, even now, when she had just awoken.

I felt her hands move to my blonde locks of hair, playing with the straight strands.

"Hey look!" Vada's sweet voice was slightly muffled once more, this time by my head. Lifting it up, she showed me a strand of my hair.

"Hm?" I was genuinely confused when I added, "Yes, I have hair Vada." She giggled a sweet laugh, as she barely spoke her sentence.

"But it's straighter than you are '' I loved her laugh. I loved everything about it. Her laugh was home. I pretended to hate when she made 'Your hair is straight and your not' jokes, but secretly I was giggling with her. Plopping my head back down, I let my hands go underneath her back, supporting her body weight, letting her know I will protect her. Her arms moved from my hair down to my lower back, holding tightly, like she would never let go. Moving myself closer to her face, I leaned down and our lips met. Vada sure knows how to kiss but I like to think I give her a run for her money. I bet she'd agree. We kissed for a long time, and I even still wished it would last forever. Pulling apart, she gazed into my eyes, and I gazed into hers, and I knew this is where I'm meant to be. I had waited 17 years for love. I never knew why I couldn't hold onto them, until Vada helped me realize who I really am. I'd lied to myself so many years, thinking I just thought girls were pretty, and nothing more. That I would only be able to stabilize my relationships in forms of a man and a woman, and nothing more. That women were only meant to be friends - That Vada - was only meant to be my friend, and nothing more. Turns out there was plenty more to that story.

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