The Power Broker

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(Episode 3)

The three of them go to the prison in Berlin. Bucky explains that he is going in to talk to Zemo alone.

Buck: Give us a sec. I'm gonna go in alone.

Sam: Why?

Summer knew why he wanted to go in alone. She knew Bucky better than anyone. She could tell by the way he had been acting since they arrived that he had a plan.

Buck: You're both Avengers. You know how he feels about that.

Sam: It's not like you two were known for frolicking in the sun together.

Buck: He was obsessed with HYDRA. We have a history together. Trust me. I got it.

Sam turns to Summer "You're not gonna fight him on this?"

The door buzzes and they let Bucky through to Zemo.

Summer just shrugs and leans against the wall.

Sam: You think he'll be okay?

Summer: I don't know.

Summer is still leaning against the wall when Bucky returns. She whispers so Sam can't hear as Bucky walks past. "I can't believe you did that."

He just gives her a look. He should've known she would figure it out. She knows everything.

Bucky takes them to a strange car garage where he explains what he wants to do with Zemo.

Sam: What are you talking about? You wanna break Zemo outta jail?

Summer: Where the hell are we?

Sam: Have you lost your mind, Buck?

Bucky: We have no leads, no moves, nothing.

Sam: What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars.

Bucky: We also have eight Super Soldiers that are loose.

Sam: Zemo's gonna mess with our minds. Especially yours, no offense.

Summer: Sam, come on.

She gives Sam a 'that was uncalled for' look.

Buck: Offense. Super Soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy, but he still has a code.

Summer: A code that goes against both of us, Buck.

Sam: We've all been on the wrong side of that code. He blew up the UN, he killed King T'Chaka and framed you for it. Did you forget that? You think the Wakandans forgot about it? It's a rhetorical question. They didn't. I know why this matters to you, but it's pushing you off the deep end.

Buck: We don't know how they're getting the serum. We don't even know how many of them there are. Let me just walk you through a hypothetical, can I?

Sam: What did you do?

Buck: I didn't do anything.

Bucky explains how he could 'hypothetically' break Zemo out of prison.

Sam: I don't like how casual you're being about this. This is unnatural. Are you.. And seriously..Where are we, man?

Suddenly the door opens behind them and they all turn to look. Zemo walks through.

Sam: Whoa, whoa.

Bucky: Wait. Listen.

Sam: What is he doing here?

Bucky: I didn't tell you 'cause i knew you wouldn't let this happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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