
575 17 49

Song: the 1- you know who 😭

5 minutes later


A loud rap at the door made me jump slightly.

'Ev, do you want to get it or should I' I asked.

'Let's both go'.

I nodded and stood up with evermore before leaving the room and heading towards the front door. I pulled it open to find two police officers standing there.

'Hello, Officers, thank you so much for coming'.

'Just doing our duty. Who are you?' the man asked.

'Oh sorry, my names folklore and this is my sister evermore'.

'I'm Officer Bowery, and this is Officer Antonoff and Officer Paine. Neither of you are the victim, I presume?' said Officer Bowery.

'No, Lover is inside'.

'So, who is the one I'm here to arrest?' Asked Officer Antonoff.

'Her name is Karma; she will come off as innocent and normal but she's horrible and I have the video proof of her hurting Lover'.

'Can you take us to her?'

'Yes of course, please come inside'.

I stepped back and let the officers walk inside.

I took them to Karma's room and knocked on the door.


Yeah? Who is it?' Karma snapped back.

'It's folklore. I have some people here who want to talk to you'.

'Alright um, I'll come out'.

A second later Karma opened her door and when she saw the cops her face dropped.

'Oh uh, hello officers, how may I help you'.

Karma's forced calm voice was impressive, I had to admit it.

'We have reports of someone hurting another person in this house, mind if we ask you some questions?'

Suddenly, Karma's head snapped toward me, her eyes filled with rage.

'Lover told you. That bitch! I'm going to kill her. How dare she!'

'I would like to remind you; Miss Karma I have proof of your offences and anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Now you can come quietly or give us a reason as to why you should be innocent'.

'I want to see this proof' Karma demanded.

'Folklore?' Officer Paine asked.

'Oh right' I pulled the app up on my phone and showed them the footage.

'This is the app for our security cameras'.

'WHAT! That's got to be edited! Or- or fake!' Karma shrieked.

'This all looks in order' Officer Paine said.

'Officer Antonoff, please cuff Karma and take her to the car, I'm going to get Lover's side of the story'.

The other cop nodded and marched a furious-looking Karma outside.

'Folklore, is it alright if I talk to Lover?'

'Well, I can take you to her?'

Officer Paine nodded, and I led the way to evermore's bedroom.

'Lover? The officer wants to talk to you'. I told her, poking my head into evermore's room.

'Oh alright, makes sense'.

I watched as Lover kissed rep on the nose and stood up. 

AN: Not sure how I feel about this one, but I love writing it for you guys :) The photo I put on this chapter is so hot 😝

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