First date

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Banban: you two are sitting down on a bench together talking about stuff that happened to you. "And then I got kicked out! Pretty weird huh?" Banban nods. "Yeah, that's pretty weird. But.... I never thought I'd be with someone as amazing as you, I love you, y/n." You start blushing. "Oh...i....I love you too!" You hug banban. Banban returns the hug. "Thank you...."

banbaleena: it's recess. But you decide to hang out with banbaleena instead of going to recess. "Hey ms banbaleena!" She turns her head towards you. "oh, hi y/n! You know, you don't have to call me ms banbaleena anymore. You can just call me banbaleena!" You nod. "Alright! Uhh banbaleena? Because we're A couple and you..... Do you want to go on" You start blushing." She softly chuckles. "of course! Follow me. I'll show you around the kindergarten." You let her lead you to employees only rooms in the kindergarten. You wonder something. "hey uh, banbaleena? Do you have any sort of relationship with banban? I mean because you look the same and have a similar name and all." She looks at you. "Well, we're friends. I mean he's really dull, but he's a good person."

Opila: you two are walking around the egg game room. And you accidentally tripped on a log. But luckily, opila was able to catch you in time. "Got you! You should be more careful!" You look away. "I know, but why did they choose a log? They could have chosen anything else for a path! Why a stupid log?" Opila looks at the log, then back at you. "Huh, I don't know! The creators of this kindergarten barely thought of anything! But I suspect there's only one person. When have we ever seen the brothers in the same room together? Or seen them at all! I suspect it's only one person pretending to be two people for some reason." You nod. "you're right! That's really smart!" Opila brushes up against you, making you blush. "I know."

Jumbo josh: you two are laying down next to each other talking. "Then I accidentally knocked my tooth out!" Jumbo josh chuckles. "that must've pretty Weird."  You nod. "It was! Kinda cool though."  Josh sighs. "you know. I never knew I'd meet someone as amazing as you. You're cool, pretty, smart, funny, and kind! You're perfect." You start blushing. "t-thanks. I love you too." you hold jumbo josh's hand. "hey uh.....Are there any.... Dangerous monsters here?" Jumbo josh's expression changes. "yeah..... A lot." "Oh....alright....."

nabnab: you two are laying together, enjoying each others company. you then look at nabanb. "nabanb? What was it like.... Before you were discarded?" Nabanb opens his eyes then sighs. "well....I always thought I had potential. I always thought I would be a good mascot for children who don't have any friends. But I guess I was wrong...." Nabnab starts tearing up. You hug him. "That must've been rough." He returns the hug. "it-it was....but I have you now.....I love you, y/n." "I love you too."

bittergiggle: you two were exploring the kindergarten together and you notice bittergiggle is holding your hand. "uhh bittergiggle? You do know you're holding my hand right?" Bittergiggle looks at you then starts blushing. "o-oh....sorry...." He let's go. You then grab his hand. "it's alright! That was pretty cute! I mean you are pretty cute so yeah, it checks out." Bittergiggle starts blushing even more. "Oh my!'re pretty cute too...." You huddle closer to him.

sheriff toadster: you reach the kingdom. And sheriff toadster opens the door. Nobody's in there. Sheriff toadster looks around frantically. "no no no no! Where is she!?" You look at him. "She? Who's she?" Sheriff toadster sighs. "the queen. She should be here. Were..... Were is she?" You look around for a second, then back at sheriff toadster. "well, she probably just went away for a second. She's like all the other monsters, right? If she is, she could walk around like all the other monsters! You shouldn't freak out." Sheriff toadster holds your hand. "you''re right! I should calm down. You're really smart, y/n." You softly smile. "thanks!"

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time. I had a writers block.

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