Chapter 8

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We walked in silence, side by side through the hallways for a few minutes. 

I was texting Yuki that I was on my way to the entrance of the school so that she could meet me there. My thoughts were interrupted when Aizawa spoke, "So, the name of your quirk starts with the letters E-V." 

I gave him a flabbergasted expression and said "Huh?!" 

"You heard me." he said nonchalantly. 

Well I guess there's no harm in me telling him yes. 

"Well, y-yeah you're right." I said nervously. 

He hummed in response as we made it outside the school patio. I looked around in awe. 

Wow! I never knew schools like this existed! It's like how the stories in the books I used to read as a kid portrayed schools to be. 

Aizawa noticed this and he asked curiously "Are the schools in Okinawa different from the ones here in Musutafu?"

 I said while looking around "Yeah, completely! I've never seen a school this big and fancy. More less, a high school. Everything is just...bigger here." 

I looked back at him to see his response and he said "Yeah. I've lived here in this city my whole life so this stuff isn't really awestrucking to me."

I hummed in response as we made it to the P.E grounds of the school. He asked me another question, "Why did you move here?" 

I twirled my finger in my hair while saying "I'll tell you but you first have to answer my question."

He nodded his head and said "Go ahead."

I asked "Tell me a bit about yourself. Like your name, hero name, quirk, or anything you would like me to know?" 

He replied "Well for starters, my name is Aizawa, Shota. My hero name is Eraser Head and my quirk is called Erasure. My quirk allows me to erase someone's quirk by looking at them. I also was a student here at U.A and have been teaching here for about eight years."

I responded enthusiastically "What a cool quirk! Any drawbacks?" He raised one of his eyebrows and said "Answer my previous question first." 

Oh right. I forgot about that. 

"The answer is simple. I moved here because I wanted to see what was outside Okinawa. Musutafu also offered a lot more job opportunities as a nursing assistant than in other cities." 

He nodded and said "The drawbacks of my quirk is that it gives me serious dry-eye. So, do me a favor and don't make me use it so much." 

I chuckled and shrugged, "I make no promises." To which he deeply sighed as we made it to the brick pathway entrance of the school. "I'm kidding, Aizawa. I can sense that you have no sense of humor." 

He scoffed and said "Well when you're around obnoxious and loud students and staff all the time, it can get irritating after a while. Especially when all you want to do is take a nap." 

I snickered and said "I don't know, it kinda sounds like a fun crowd to be around." 

He sighed again to which I said "Alright, alright. I'll stop joking around." To which he looked relieved by the statement. I see the entrance of the school in the distance. 

I'm almost there, Yuki. Just a little longer. 

Aizawa asked "So does your quirk have any drawbacks?" 

I quickly responded "Nope." 

He raised his eyebrows and said "Well, that sounds like a great quirk to have. It's rare to meet someone who's quirk does not have drawbacks to it." 

I sighed deeply this time and shook my head, I said, "It's not as great as it sounds. Although, it's true that I don't experience drawbacks, it only activates- Hey! You're just trying to get me to spill information about my quirk!" 

With that same tired expression he said "Well, it almost worked." I raised my hand to smack his arm but, I stopped myself and crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. 

He let out a small, barely audible chuckle which surprised me and he looked at me and said "Well, to be fair, you're the one who asked me about my quirk drawbacks first." 

I retorted "That's different! Your quirk isn't a secret."

He responded "How pretentious." 

You gasped offendedly and said "No! You are!" 

He rolled his eyes and said "This is a pointless argument. Let's move along shall we? We're almost at the entrance." 

You pouted again and quietly muttered "Whatever, grumpy face."

 "Huh?" he said. 

 "Nothing! Let's just move along, Aizawa." I quickly replied. 

To which he raised his eyebrow at you for a moment and then kept looking forward. Then I hear someone happily calling my name and waving. 


I smiled as I waved at her. I began to run towards Yuki when I suddenly remembered tiny glimpses of memories of how Aizawa was the one who took care of me and carried me all the way to U.A. after I passed out. 

I immediately stopped running which confused Yuki and Aizawa. 

I turned around to face Aizawa, who looked at me puzzled and I bowed while saying "Thank you for saving me by the way. I really appreciate that you took the time out of your night to save someone like me. Thank you and see you next year!" 

I smiled at him and turned back around to Yuki and began running full speed. 

"F/N!" Yuki cried out loud and she opened her arms to which I fell into her strong embrace. Our bodies strongly collided with each other as we both made a small *oof* sound to which we both began to laugh at. 

She then put her hand on the back of my head and around my shoulders as she tightly pulled me into a hug. She said "I was so worried F/N! I thought I lost you! I thought I would lose you like I did with my-" I quickly interrupted her "Now, now. Don't say that, Yuki. I'm fine! I'm here! I refuse to die until I've seen you pass down your legacy." I said while lightly stroking her back in upward and downward motions.

She began to cry even more and held me more tightly, which I didn't mind. I kept reassuring her that I was fine and was gonna be here for her no matter what. 

After a few minutes of her sobbing on my shoulder. She slowly let go of me and looked at me with all sorts of emotions on her face. She said in a hoarse voice, "Let's go, F/N." 

I nodded my head and smiled and said "Yes!" Then as we were beginning to walk to her car, I suddenly remembered.

Wait. My backpack! I forgot to get it from Aizawa! 

I quickly turned around and was about to go back into U.A when I saw my backpack on the side of the entrance. I signed in relief. 

Thank you, Aizawa.

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