Chapter XVI

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Finally is the day for them to leave for the Wen clan indoctrination. The more they got closer to Qinghe, the more Wei Wuxian felt all of the blood leaving his face. He remember getting throw into a dungeon with a big dog that is trying to eat him. He remember the look on Lan a Wangji face when he see all of the blood and rip clothes on him.

"Wangji check on A-Xian?" Hearing his brother said this, Lan Wangji turn to his left, he see how white Wei Wuxian face is. He turn back to look at his brother, "Can you go tell the rest to take a break? Also, go get Sheng." With that Lan Xichen went to tell his disciple to take a rest, then he went to Sheng, "Come see A-Xian, his face is all white."

The two went to the back to see Wei Wuxian. "A-Xian, what's wrong?" Sheng asked as he put his hand on Wei Wuxian forehead. "I just remember something. Something horrible that Wen Chao did."

"What did he do?!" Come a very angry Sheng. "He threw me into a dungeon with a big dog in it. He somehow know that I'm scare of dog."

"Your scare of dog?" Lan Xichen asked, Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "After my parents pass away. I went in search for food. When I found some food, many dog went after me. They bit me, they chase me and they rip my clothes off of me. From that day on, whenever I see dog or hear them, I get scare."

Lan Sheng stand up, he hit his hand with his fist, he have on a very angry expression, "Wen Chao, your my first victim. When I get my hand on you, I will split your body in half."

Lan Xichen chuckle at this, "A-Xian, what else happen? How come Wangji didn't come save you?"

"The Wen clan didn't put each clan disciple with other clan. They put the same clan disciple with each other, so I got put in the same room with Jiang Cheng. I don't know who Lan Zhan got put with since he was the only Lan disciple there."

"Xichen, let's make sure one of us stay with A-Xian. I don't trust anyone else to look after him."

"Mn, I agree, Wangji?" Lan Wangji also nod in agreement as well. "Are you ready to go, A-Xian?" Wei Wuxian felt Lan Wangji hand on his hand, he look up at him, "Mn?"

"Yeah," so they all begin to walk toward the Qishan Wen clan again. When they finally got there, they see, Nie clan, Jiang clan, Jin clan, Ouyang clan, Yao clan and other small clan there as well.

"It look like all of the clan is here."

Jiang Cheng turn around to see Wei Wuxian, he left his disciple to go talk to him, "Wei Wuxian," Lan Sheng stood in front of Wei Wuxian, blocking him from Jiang Cheng. "Sheng ge, is okay," Wei Wuxian gave Lan Sheng a pat on his shoulder. Lan Sheng step to the side to let Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng to talk to each other.

"What is it, Jiang Cheng?" They all watch as Jiang Cheng pull out, "A Jiang clarity calm bell."

"Fuqin want me to give this to you. Since he want to give it to you ever since he found you. But Niang doesn't want you to have one. He ask me to give this to you when I see you here at the Wen indoctrination." Jiang cheng handed the bell over to Wei Wuxian.

"Thank you," Wei Wuxian held the bell close to him with a small smile on his face. Just when Jiang Cheng is about to walk away Wei Wuxian said, "Tell Jiang Shushu that I said thank you. Keep your home and clan safe, Jiang Cheng. Make sure Jiang Shushu use the sect flare, they will come as fast as they can."

"I will let Fuqin know," after saying that Jiang Cheng walk back over to where his sect disciple is at. "He seem...different," Lan Xichen turn to look at Wei Wuxian, "does he act like this in the future?"

"At first when his parents is still alive he act like this but when his parents is gone....his personality change....he become more angry, aggressive and...." Wei Wuxian stop talking, "And what? A-Xian?" Asked Lan Sheng.

"He blamed me for the massacre of his clan, disciple, parents and his sister. He even want to kill me for it."

"He what?!" Shouted Lan Sheng, this cause everyone to look at them. "Sheng, quiet it down," Lan Xichen pointed to everyone around them. "He shouldn't do that to you. Not only did he lost his family but you also lost the person who took you in and someone who care about you."

"I agree with Sheng. He shouldn't blame everything on you, he should've become stronger to protect his clan. But why did he do that to you?" Lan Xichen asked.

"I think it was during....I think it was when Wen Chao ask me, Jin Zixuan and Lan Zhan to recite his clan rule or whatever it is. Instead of his clan rule, I end up reciting the...." Lan Xichen, lan Zhan and Lan Sheng have on a smile, "Don't tell me you recited our Lan clan rule?" Wei Wuxian nodded his head.

Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji and Lan Sheng held back their laugh, "A-Xian, don't do that today. Why don't you let me or Sheng do it? If he call on your name again."

"Okay." Then a Wen disciple call out, "Wen gongzi is coming! Everyone line up!" Everyone did just that.

Wen Chao went babbling on about while they are there they should follow the Wen clan rule. No sword, this is an order from his father. Everyone already knew this was coming so they gave up their "sword" which Wen Chao doesn't know is fake.

Then they were giving a red scroll which have the Wen clan rule or history on it. "What is this rubbish?" Lan a Sheng whispered to only Lan Xichen to hear since he is standing behind him.

Lan Sheng open to read what is inside of the scroll, 'like I said, what is this rubbish? Some of this doesn't make sense.'

Soon they were all put in separate room, Wei Wuxian got put with a disciple from other clan. Before they got taken to their room, Wei Wuxian face went white, "Lan Zhan!" Lan Wangji walk over to Wei Wuxian, he pulled Wei Wuxian to stand next to him, "let me stay with Wei Wuxian, he feel more comfortable with the people he know."

That disciple from other clan nodded his head, so he walk over to the person who Lan Wangji suppose to stay with. Lan Wangji felt Wei Wuxian shaking behind him, he turn around to look at him, "Wei Ying, is alright now. Calm down." 'I can't leave Wei Ying side. I need to be by his side.'

"Alright, let's go," Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian followed that Wen disciple, "Wangji! Take care of A-Xian!" Shouted Lan Xichen, 'take care you two, we will get through this together.'

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