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MEDIA: Scream 1996

Stu Macher & Billy Loomis x Female Oc 

Sophie Parker was a bitch. She had little real friends, but goals. Big ones. She may be lonely, but if being a bitch was the way to get what she wanted, then she would be one happily.

It was no secret to anyone that the girl wished for greatness. For stardom. She wanted to be an actress, shining bright in the starlight. She wanted to be loved, to be hated (all press is good press).

She always knew she would do anything to fulfill her big goals. Anything being literal.

Even if she never imagined herself standing above a fresh corpse, blood staining the knife in her hand, the same one that had been used to end the pure soul's life, she still couldn't say she regretted it.

After all, maybe it was just the price of stardom.

CLOSE TO POSTING? This book is barely started, but it's planned out.

NOW, Ideas? Comments? Would you read this?

WORKS IN PROGRESS Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ