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Creativity:10 /15
I feel that the story is similar to the other story I read from this author. Nothing that it is not a good story, but I feel like they have a lot of similarities.

Originality: 10/15
Once again, even though I enjoyed the book, I still feel like it's much like the other story I read regarding the parents choosing a partner for their daughter. And their daughter, of course, looks into somebody else or falls for somebody else. It's still an excellent story. I see a lot of the previous story in this one.

Storytelling:15 /15
I feel like with this story, you see it againt through both characters' eyes. And you know that they both want something like a relationship with each other, but they're not willing to pursue it.

Character:15 /15
I found the characters to be unique and very different. The guy is very much in love with her but doesn't want to pursue it. As for her, she said in her way to only do anything with the guy she's going to marry, knowing that she has feelings for him as well.

Story Flows: 15/15
I did not see anything wrong with the story, I did not see any structural errors, I did not know any grammar errors. Everything seemed to flow very nicely and smoothly regarding the story.

Cover Design:15 /15
I absolutely love the cover and feel like the cover does really well with the story. The cover and the story complement each other really well.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
At the end of the day, I still enjoyed the story even though I felt it was similar to the first one I had read. I could definitely feel the tension between the two characters. They are trying to stay the way they are but also trying not to fall in love, knowing they have feelings for one another. It's very hard, and you can tell that they're trying their best to navigate that. I feel like, once again, this book will have a lot of ups and downs for the characters I'm living for. I love things like that; I love reading stories like that. I think the characters, the book, and the wind the author is writing this book and their other book is phenomenal.

Chapters I read: prologue and three chapters

Total points:  90

Summary of the book: 

For mature eyes only18+ She woke up smiling. Last night had been everything she had dreamt it would be. She had lost her virginity to her best friend. Now her boyfriend, hopefully? She had to talk to him.She walked up to the bathroom and found him shaving. She smiled at his reflection. He looked adorable with foam clinging on to his dimpled chin."What?" He sneered at her. Her heart was beating fast. What was wrong? Did he not want this? Did he not want her?"I... I just wanted to talk to you about last night." She said in a voice that didn't seem to belong to her.He turned around and looked her full in the face. "There is nothing to talk about. You wanted to be fucked and I fucked you. Don't make it out to be bigger than it is."She stood there staring at him for a few minutes. She felt like the air had gone out of her lungs. He didn't mean that. He couldn't mean that. He had told her that he had loved her. He had even said "forever".He continued shaving and refused to look at her. She wanted to shake him, she wanted to hold him, to kiss him. She wanted to tell him that she knew he didn't mean that. But did she really know that? Had everything he had said he felt for her, ended when he finally got her? Had this been a long and convoluted game to get her to sleep with him?A pathetic sound between a sob and a scream escaped her lips. She turned around and ran. She didn't care that she had nothing on but his shirt. She was sore from last night and it hurt to move. But she had to get away from here. She had to get away from him."This is what you get for breaking the rules" said a nasty voice in her head. "This is what you deserve."


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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