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a/n: This was a request from someone I never finished. My last edit to this one shot was 8/23/23 at 7:35pm.


Request: Yes
Mcyt: Ranboo, Tubbo
Type: Fluff and a lil angsty too 😈
AU: Irl

A/N: Thank you to @TauruSataN for the request 🫶 This is pushing my motivation a little bit so, again, thank you! Also, the misgendering during the flashback is only for the story, I will be switching between he/him and they/them throughout the story. It is intentional for that section of the story.

TW: Homophobia, Transphobia (slur that I covered by [REDACTED]), asshole parents and Beeduo


*ranboo pov*
I walked down the sidewalk, tear tracks dried on my cheeks.

I couldn't believe it.

My parents just kicked me out.

I told them I was transgender and liked they/them pronouns and they kicked me out..

What do I do?


"Mom, Dad, can I tell you guys something?" Ranboo asked, nervously sitting at the dining table after they'd just finished dinner.

Her mom looked up, smiling softly. Her dad remained emotionless, but his eyes lit up in interest as to what his daughter had to say.

That got damned title. Ranboo wanted to be their son, be a he not a her.

Her mom nodded, "Oh course, honey. What is it? You know your father and I love you." She said encouragingly.

Ranboo couldn't bring herself to nod. If she didn't spit it out now, she wasn't going to and she'd back out - then her dad would be suspicious.

"Uh.. I just wanted to- to tell you that.. uh.." Ranboo stuttered out.

Ranboo's dad cleared his throat. "Come on, spit it out, kid. What's goin' on?"

"I don't want to be a girl. I want to be a boy, I want to use he/him and they/them pronouns. Please.." Ranboo said quickly.

You would think his parents wouldn't catch anything he said, but they did.

"You want to be a what?" His dad said, voice deep and angry. "One of those [REDACTED] things? Not in my house!"

Ranboo felt tears spring to his eyes. What? No. This- this isn't happening.

"Go pack a bag. I won't have something like YOU in my house!"

Ranboo ran up the stairs, tears falling. He couldn't believe that just happened - and his mom didn't even help!

Deciding that getting out was a good idea, Ranboo quickly packed a bag of his most masculine clothing he could keep without suspicion, his toothbrush, toothpaste and a few other things they couldn't leave without.

Going down the stairs was a nightmare - there was more yelling, more hate, more disappointed comments and looks- he couldn't deal with it.

Ranboo found themselves aimlessly walking down the road, no destination in mind.

time skip; three years later

It was crazy to see how quickly they switched on me that day. I haven't been home since - I don't even consider that house "home" anymore.

I ended up moving to Brighton, England four months after I was kicked out. I was able to cut my hair and dress how I wanted to and use the pronouns I liked.

I feel very lucky to have my one friend, Toby, better known as Tubbo. He was a big help - he let me stay with him until I found a house of my own and he didn't deadname or misgender me.

He was a life saver.

Besides him, there was still some negatives I couldn't ignore.

My not-flat chest, higher-pitched voice - and not to mention my period.

I'm still not on hormone blockers or testosterone.

It sucks.

*third person* time skip; next day or sum haha
Ranboo woke up feeling weird. He should've known what weird it was, though.

The second he sat up, he knew what it was.

The dreaded month - his period.

He groaned, putting his head in his hands. He knew Tubbo wouldn't care that it was that time of the month, but that didn't mean it wasn't embarrassing for him!

Slowly getting out of bed, Ranboo cringed as his underwear stuck to him. He shivered and grabbed his clothing for the day as he quickly ran to the bathroom, hopefully not suspicious.

He had to shower. Now.

After Ranboo showered, he felt much, much better. That feeling was something that he never wanted to ever experience ever again.

Unfortunately, without hormone blockers or testosterone shots it was basically unavoidable until then.

He sighed, going to get breakfast. Tubbo wasn't up yet, but Ranboo wasn't surprised.

Settling down on the couch, Ranboo turned the TV on and ate his breakfast there, watching a randomly selected YouTube video.

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