Day 7: Two Hearts that beat as One

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The pinkette frowned at the description she has given to him. Annoyed, he unbuttoned and re-buttoned his shirt. However, the same cycle repeated while Blondie just laughed at the child like scene she is witnessing. Giving up, he left his shirt unbuttoned and frowned at the laughing blonde girl. "I give up" he groaned at his wasted effort. His stomach is empty and then he exhaust himself with this stupid buttons. He should have used his powers but his energy is running low.

"Here, let me help you" He heard her say. He stood still and watched the smiling blonde button his shirt. He lightly blushed in embarrassment, ashamed that a human is helping him out with this easy stuff. "That's why I hate clothes with buttons" he groaned in his thoughts. Natsu looked at the girl resulting him to blush even more when he realized their close gap.

Aware that he is blushing, he lowered his head to hide his red face with his pink bangs, and closed his eyes to calm the sudden emotion. "She is a human. There's no way I'll fall in love with such a weakling" he said in his thoughts to convince himself. "Done!" Natsu heard the blonde say in delight. He sighed in relief when the girl walked away from him.

"Now, will you please leave my room?" Lucy said and pointed at her door. "Whatever" the pinkette thought and rolled his eyes. But before leaving the room, "Don't forget my breakfast and also my pudding!" he said and headed downstairs, leaving the speechless blonde.

The blonde girl frowned as she shut her bedroom door and locked it for safety. This is the second time he entered her room without permission! Sighing, Lucy went in her bathroom to take a bath. She stared at her right wrist and recalled what happened yesterday, "But then again, he saved me.." her voice echoed throughout the tiled room. Stripping, she stared at her naked self on the mirror. Her eyes widened as she noticed what she was wearing.

The Demon Lord comfortably lay down on the couch and stared at the ceiling. He groaned as he heard his stomach growl in hunger. "Ugh, I'm hungry" he said as his eyes stared at the kitchen. Giving up, he stood up and went to the kitchen. His eyes glittered with hope when he saw a bunch of bananas on the kitchen bar. "Finally, something to eat!" he exclaimed in glee and happily shoved the already peeled banana in his mouth while his eyes stared at the refrigerator in discontent. The blonde forbade him to steal food, but since he is hungry, his mind is totally blocked which made him forget the consequences that he was given. He was about to open the cabinet of foods but stopped midway when he heard his name being called.

"NATSU!" he flinched as he heard the blonde yell behind him. Facing the blonde, he bowed his head and looked on the floor in guilt like a dog who disobeyed his master. "I-I was just--" he stuttered and searched for the right word which would describe his action. "Will you explain me this!?" the blonde said and threw the pink pajamas she was wearing a few minutes ago on the floor in front of him.

The pinkette stared at the pink clothe which is lying on the floor. He looked up only to see Blondie wrapped in white towel. His cheeks lightly flushed as he saw her perfect curves but then faded when he saw the angry face she is making. Raising a brow, he asked the girl in curiosity, "Explain what?".

The girl in response pouted angrily as she explains what she was talking about. "You-! I don't remember wearing pajamas!" she said, her voice raising in every word she says. The demon looked at the panting blonde and blinked multiple times, "So that's what you were talking about".


Natsu flinched at the sudden outburst of Blondie, "You were drenched from the rain and I have no choice but to make you wear those to avoid you from getting sick" he explained as fast as he can. He doesn't want to be hit by the blonde, who would anyway? Wait, why is a demon like him being scared at a mere human? Shrugging off the idea, his eyes stared at the girl who is currently sitting on the floor. She held her head with both of her hands and mumbled something which he could clearly hear and understand what she is mumbling about.

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