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bendy walks through the streets of imp city a bit nervous as he walks by some sinner demons who look really scary, especially one
who looks down at bendy for a moment creepily and licks his lips pervertedly. seeing that bendy shivers and runs quickly past them not
wanting to be around that and runs into an alleyway and accidentily bumps into a sinner demon as the two fall down with the sinner's
demon's bong having shattered on impact.

bendy gets up a and shakes his head and sees the sinenr he bumped into along with his sinner friends. the sinner gets up and
sees that his bong has been shattered on impact and growls angrily with his friends doing the same as they turn to bendy with
sadistic grins on their faces. bendy steps back scared with his hands up.

SINNER: *chuckles and takes out butcher knife* you made a big fucking mistake ya little black dick. that was my favourite
bong, it cost a lot and now..*points knife at bendy aproaching him* you're gonna pay up little shit. *grabs bendy by the collar*
well? you got anything to say, ya ink blob?

bendy tries telling the sinner he can't speak, pointing to his mouth trying to say he can't speak. the sinner raises his brow annoyed
and growls as he tightings on the little cartoon's throat as he chokes a abit.

SINNER: you fucking mocking me, infront of my friends you piece of ink?! *chuckle sadisticly* that's fine, *smooths
knife across bendy's cheek* i'll just cut you piece by fucking piece until you say something from that mouth of yours.

bendy on instinct kicks the sinner in the stomach pushing him away from him as he lands on the ground and runs out the
alley as the sinner growls with his friends standing behind him and runs after bendy.

SINNER: hurry up and fucking help me catch that little ink motherfucker!! NO ONE

bendy scared and nervous as he runs for his life with the sinner and his friends hot on his trail running away from them
and trying to lose them. bendy still running spins his head backwards to see them still chasing after him, with the sinner
grining angrily.


bendy gulps and spins his head back to it's place and stops as he finds himself in the middle of a road and turns left seeing
a car come at his way and gets run over by it. bendy get's up looking fine, thanks to being a cartoon like character and let's
out a silent cartoonish sigh but he gets run over by another car, then another, then another and finally get's hit by a truck
and sent flying through the air and hitting a glass window.

while sliding down the window slowly bendy gets a peak inside seeing a couple, millie and moxie having sex as millie pegs
moxxie but stop when hearing the window make a sound and see bendy who awkwardly blushes and smiles awkwardly while
slowly sliding off the window with the couple being confused and shocked seeing bendy as he slides off their window.

MILLIE: was that a...sinner?

MOXXIE: doesn't look like one to me. *looks back to millie with a lustful look* you wanna

MILLIE: *lustful smile at moxie* fuck yeah, hun!

the two continue having sex as they moan. back bendy who falls flat on the curve and gets up a bit dizzy but shakes his head.
bendy turns to see the sinner and his friends still chasing after him and continue's to run away from them, thinking what's the
big deal with that glass tube.

HELLUVA BOSS AND I.M.P's CUTE LITTLE INK DEMON.Where stories live. Discover now