Radio Transmission

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POV: Portland

It's been a nice hike, really scenic, but now I see the cabin, there's a small generator on the side of the cabin, and when I enter the cabin, Seattle jumps out from behind the door. "SEATTLE!" I shout. "Hi Portland! How was the hike?" He asks. "Good, you can't just scare me like that! But anyways, can I come inside now?" I rebuke. "Okay okay, you can come in!" Seattle said as he allows me into the small bust modern cabin. It has a small kitchenette, then on the other side, a small living room with a really small tv, and past that, a bed. "We have electricity and internet, a water system, the works. Also, we do have a vegetable and fruit garden in the back." Seattle said.

POV: None

Olympia, Spokane, Yakima, Eugene, Salem, Medford, San Francisco, Sacramento, Boise, Pocatello, Cheyenne, Albany, Utica, New York, Wyoming, Idaho, Cali, Washington and Oregon found themselves in the entrance to the forest. "So, everyone, here are all of your personal radios, notify us if you find anything." Oregon said while giving everyone a walkie talkie. "So what are you waiting for? Go!" Oregon said. And everyone went off into the forest, looking for the Two cities.

POV: Seattle

"You know, they're probably looking for us. That's why I brought this walkie talkie!" I said to a frankly uninterested Portland. "Let's see if any channels get picked up." I said. 1, no. 2, no. 3, no. 4, no. 5, no. 6, no. 7, here we go! 

"Anyone find anything about Portland or Seattle yet?" a grainy Washington voice said. "They're looking for us." I said to Portland. "Do you think they'll find us?" Portland asked. "What do you think, we're encircled by a horde of thick trees and brush!" I replied, then went back to the radio. "I think I found a marker. Looks like a tree." Albany said. "Search for any more signs of the marker." Oregon said. "Hey Portland, should I play with them a bit?" I asked, and Portland chuckled and nodded. So I pressed the transmit button and started tapping it. "... --- ... / .. -. / - .... . / -.-. .- ...- . / -.-. .- -. - / --. . - / --- ..- -" I tapped. Then multiple people asking what that tapping was. Then, I decided to toy with them some more. I turned on the transmit button and started laughing maniacally. "WHO IS DOING THAT?" Oregon shouts, and after a while of hearing all the cities and states bickering, I turn the Walkie Talkie off. "Anyways, what do you want to eat?" I asked Portland.

(Will they find Portland and Seattle?)


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