"All right!" the sound of allmight makes izuku jump "Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D, your time starts now!"


ravens body is smashed against the wall and she grunts, grabbing the arm of who ever had shover her, her nails digging into his arm hard enough to leave little crescent shapes, coming eye to eye with a glaring bakugo. he notices the red tint of her eye before his own body is thrown back at a quick speed, raven slumps onto the ground before standing to her feet.

bakugo doing the same on the other side of the room, izuku takes the corner and his eyes widen, bakugo snaps his attention towards him and goes to attack, his body is stopped by a fist connecting to his face, he grunts and stumbles back. raven pulls her hands up in a defence manor.

bakugo huffs, "oh what, you some sort of boxer now?!" he yells, pure anger lacing his tone

raven shrugs, glancing back and motioning for izuku to go ahead. he nods and runs off.

"anyone ever told you, your really fucking annoying" she spits rolling her shoulders. bakugo clicked his tounge and glared her way, her tail flicked behind her in an aggressive yet playful manor. 

raven swings a jab, landing a sudden punch to his cheek, he jolts abit but ready's to swing himself, his punch is deflected by her tail, she grabs his arm with her hand and twists her body around his, kicking his legs from under him quickly.

it was almost to fast for him to keep up. he grunts snapping his head up to attack raven but she had gone. 

"you missed me!" she taunts as she runs off, catching up with izuku, he hadnt heard her footsteps and she places a hand on his shoulder. he swears he dies for a second, thinking it was bakugo attacking him.

"What's the matter? afraid to stand up and fight me?" bakugo's voice echoes down the hall as they take a corner.

"we need to split" raven says to Izuku before they come to a junction in the halls, she taps on her comm and runs off.

izuku nods and runs off in the other direction. ravens boots thump against the ground as she runs, letting out a small exhale she takes a turn  into a room. ida stood at the front, standing Infront of the bomb he slowly turns his head to look at raven. 

"took you long enough" ida spoke his eyes glance down to raven, she smirks and shifts on her foot

"come on then" she taunts with a quick roll of her shoulders. ida tenses and runs towards her, she spins just out of touch, his hand barely grazing her face as she spun her foot around and crashed under his chin.

he grunts and swings his leg around into her stomach. she grunts and slips back abit. her body colliding with the ground at the sudden attack.

"that the best you can do!" she yells, brushing away the tears that prick in her eyes. "give me a real fight!" in seconds she was back on her feet.

with that ida runs at her. she dryly laughs and slides under his legs, grabbing onto his ankle and ripping him to the ground. she smirks under her mask as she jumps back onto her feet, spinning around and watching as ida staggers to his feet.

before he could react raven throws her hand Infront of her, two tendrils pull from her back and wrap around ida, he struggles against them as they shove him against the wall, exploding into smaller tendrils and in attaching him into the wall.

raven huffs and runs towards the fake bomb, but stops when the ground shakes, she notices cracks forming in the floor but it was too late and a huge explosion followed by the floor blasting to bits from something under them sent raven flying backwards, she flicks her hands and the tendrils around ida wrap all around him, cocooning his body from the debris.

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