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Thalia's POV:

"But you can't deny the fun you'll have once you both go to your dream universities!"
Alara exclaims as she jumps on the bed, something she does everytime she's thrilled.

Hera and I share a glance at her tactics.

I'm not opposed to anything she's saying because I'm as exhilarated as she is,but the fear of not getting accepted into the university somehow overpowers the joy.

Alara claims she has no specific institute to go to because according to her all she requires is freedom, but she's all giddy to celebrate with us once we join ours.

Which I hope, we do.

Hera softens her tone,but I can hear the worry underneath.
"But we're not sure if we will be able to Lara. Plus, keep in mind the places we're talking about are generally biased. We have a minimal chance."

Her last point is exactly why we're worried.

In a world where werewolves are considered higher in hierarchy, they tend to choose their kind first for everything. It's something we all have known since our birth. It angers me to no end, for our people lose our rights simply because they're considered different.
However, this isn't something we can announce to the world.

There was a time when the wolves treated humans so brutally, tearing them for even trying to communicate . Their ruthless demeanor knew no bounds, capturing humans and putting them in shackles, treating them like slaves and even murdering them for fun, considering them as play toys and a past time.

Now times had changed, but one could still see those events etched into the wrinkles of the elders and in those books which were mandatory for us to learn.

It felt as if they needed us to know that even if they had ceased those acts, they still could treat us anyway they wanted, letting us feel their power through those words printed in black inks.

Alara rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"I hate those beasts. You guys deserve to go wherever you both want."

Always the hater,that's what my girl is. But I can't deny that I agree with her.

Yes,times had changed and I'm grateful for that,but it doesn't make me loathe them any less.

I had always kept study as my top priority, learning the best of the best, simply to go where I please. I couldn't let those beasts hinder that.

Shaking those thoughts away for now,I turn towards my friends who seem to be in an conversation about werewolves.

"Okay. " I stop them before things escalate.
"Now,what's for dinner?"

"PIZZA!" Hera announces, grabbing her phone to make the call.

Food was her life and I mean literally.
It was the escape of all her problems, the sole reason for her to continue with life.

"And you guys too." She had added when we had given her the stink eye.

Fifteen minutes later we've settled infront of the tv, tucked in blankets with snacks filling our laps and the pizzas laid open on the table.

Today was one of our usual sleepover  nights, a tradition we had created when we had started grade 11.

Every weekend we came to each other's houses turn by turn and find comfort in the bed, movies and ofcourse,eachother.

Our parents considered this act a luxury, since their eyes had seen worse and their bodies had once been used to sleep and shiver in the cold,harsh winters with nothing to warm them.

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