Saiki gently pulled away the petals that were closing in on the trapped cat and picked up Amp. He held him up to his eye level and stared 'His face was just as weird as I thought it would be.' Saiki thought while analyzing his face.

The psychic once again raised a brow at Amp. "T-Thank you..." he thought while looking away from Saiki's intense gaze. He just nodded and set the cat down to finally freely move.

Amidst the chaos, Yuuta woke up. In his eyes, his hero, Saiki, just rescued a cat from the clutches of a monstrous plant. Speaking of a monstrous plant, the flower he was sitting on was also closing up on him.

Saiki wordlessly pulled away the petals of the closing flower, picked up the kid, and sat him on his hip. "Hey! How come you just saved that human immediately and not me?! You just gave me that look!!" Amp complained, feeling a sense of injustice at the different treatment.

Hearing the cat's complaint, Saiki just looked at him and replied "Because he has manners." As if right on cue, Yuuta expressed his gratitude, "Woaaaahh!! Thank you for saving me, Cyborg Cider-Man #2!!" Saiki patted the kid's head, "See?"

Amp huffed in annoyance, "Where-" "Hey, Cyborg Cider-Man #2. Where are we?" Yuuta asked while looking around the island. "Brat!" Amp exclaimed, irritated by Yuuta's interruption. Ignoring Amp, Saiki responded, "I have no idea. My plan was to teleport us back to our neighborhood once you both woke up."

As soon as Yuuta heard the word "teleport," all worries about their whereabouts vanished from his mind. "TELEPORT?! Is that a new power?! I didn't read it in the manga or see it in any of the episodes!" All of Yuuta's excitement went directly into Saiki's face. 'Good grief.' The psychic thought.

Saiki's eyes lit up as an idea struck him. Then his face turned serious, "Yuuta before we teleport, I need to warn you. Baron Cola sent out his goons undercover to find me." (I just imagined Muzan as Baron Cola & Demons as goons)

"Oh no! What do we do?"

"I want us to be safe, so call me by my civilian name, Saiki Kusuo. This is very important. I don't want anyone to be hurt."

"Yes, Cybor- K-Kusu- Kusuko- Kusu- Uh- Uhm- Could I call you Nii-san?" Yuuta said, looking a bit embarrassed. A small smile made it onto Saiki's face.

"Of course."

Saiki said nothing, picked up the grumpy cat, and swiftly teleported to their neighborhood.

Or what was supposed to be their neighborhood...


They teleported into an alley and walked out to see what was an absolute jump into the past. They were definitely in Japan but rather than the modern buildings, they were surrounded by traditional Japanese structures. The bustling streets were filled with people dressed in old-fashioned attire.

Though Saiki really didn't pay attention in school, due to him just cheating 24/7, he at least knew it was the very early 1900s. Some of the buildings seemed to be influenced by Western architecture, just like some of the clothing of the people crowding the streets.

Saiki stiffly set Amp down to the ground and told him "Keep close. Before you ask, I don't know what's happening." The cat nodded and was glued to Saiki's side. They started venturing out of the alley.

The psychic hugged Yuuta tighter as he hid in Saiki's neck. All eyes were on them. More specifically, their hair. Bright pink & green are uncommon hair colors compared to brown & black. But still, Saiki did his best to blend in and avoid appearing any more out of place than they already were.

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