Video Games and Laughter

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A few things I forgot to tell you guys: this fan fiction is based on the TMNT 2007 movie, the boys are a week older than Emma, Emma's father left Emma with a small bag of clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste (He cared just enough to do that but don't even start to think he is good. He is as bad as the Shredder. Whoops, spoiled the story a little. Sorry) and that Emma has no other relatives besides her father. I forgot to put these things in the first chapter but lets pretend I did, okay? Disclaimer: I only own Emma and my plot. Nothing else.

Emma's POV

I woke up and thought about my dream I had about a rat and four turtles. Then I looked around and saw that it hadn't been a dream last night. The boys and Master Splinter were by the couch, waiting for me to wake up, I guess. I smiled at them as I sat up and said good morning.

" 'Morning Em. What do you want for breakfast?" Mikey said.

"I thought breakfast was another one of those things only grown-ups got," I replied.

When daddy wasn't home, I ate any food I didn't think he'd notice was gone and watched the TV in his room. You see, we lived in a small apartment and there were only 5 rooms. Daddy's room, his office, the kitchen, the living room, and the bathroom. Daddy didn't let me watch TV and the only TV we had was the one in his room. So I watched it without him knowing when he went to work.

"No way dudette. Breakfast is for everyone. Hey Sensei, how about we have waffles and apple juice? How's that sound, Em?" Mikey asked. I nodded and Master Splinter went to the kitchen. I went to the bathroom to change clothes.

Every piece of clothing I had covered most of my skin. I only had turtlenecks (the irony of it was too good to pass up) and I didn't have shorts or skirts. Just a few pairs of jeans. The reason for this was because of my bruises and cuts. Given to me by............... him. But I don't want to think about it so I change quickly and leave to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, which was delicious by the way, the boys and Master Splinter went to the dojo to train I wanted to watch so I tugged on Master Splinter's robe. He turned to me and asked me what I needed.

"May... May I watch you guys train?" Master Splinter looked at me then at the boys who were all nodding enthusiastically. He then chuckled and nodded towards me. I watched and wished I could do the forms they were doing.

I guess Master Splinter saw me staring at them or something because he stopped the boys for a moment and asked me if I wanted to join the boys for todays forms. I nodded excitedly and joined them.

By the time we were done with training for the day, I was exhausted. My muscles weren't used to the forms or the way I had to move them today. But I loved it. Master Splinter said I was a natural and that I could start training permanently like them if I wanted to. He said I'd be a kunoichi, a female ninja. I of course agreed. The boys were really excited I'd be training like them. So was I. After training, I asked Master Splinter if I could talk to him about something.

"Of course, Emma. I am always available to talk when you need someone to listen," Master Splinter, or Sensei, as I would now be calling him.

"I wanted to ask for your opinion on something and I really need the truth. Even if it's not what I want to hear, I hope you'll tell me what I need to hear. If you don't mind," I said while trying to look at anything but Sensei. He nodded and gestured for me to continue.

"My daddy left me in the alley with a bag with some clothes and some other stuff in it, as you already know. He didn't say he was coming back and since it's been almost 3 days, I don't think he will. Do you think my daddy left me to... to die?" It was then that I heard Sensei take a deep breath and I looked up at him. He had a look mixed with sorrow, anger, and uncertainty.

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