!! Yr 4 !! (~Bickering through paper~)

Start from the beginning

She curls into a ball and hugs her pillow, but the peace and quiet doesn't last long as her door swings open to reveal her brother.

"Mum left a note on the fridge. They won't be back from the ministry for a while, apparently something came up. Wanna invite the gang over?" Draco hands the note to Y/n and sits in her desk chair, poking at Dovey while Y/n reads her mother's handwriting over. 

"I'll get the snacks and fort ready, you send the letters to them." Y/n says, agreeing to inviting their friends over. Draco nods and leaves her room to go write to their friends as Y/n sits up with a sigh.

"Parents of the year, they are." Y/n says, looking down at the note. 

Y/n looks at the small paper a moment more before discarding it in the trash bin beside her desk. She leaves her room and walks down the stairs to the kitchen. She grabs all of the snacks that she knows her friends like, drinks, napkins, and plates. 

"Dray, bring down the pillows and blankets!" She yells to her brother from the bottom of the stairs, her arms full as the items cover her entire head. 

Draco runs down the stairs with piles of blankets and pillows in his arms, almost tripping over himself more times than necessary.  

"Are they coming?" Y/n asks as she drops everything onto the floor in front of the couch.

"Mhm, they should be her around..." Draco looks at his wrist and taps his nonexistent watch. Just as he does this, the doorbell rings. "Now."

Y/n walks out of the living room and into the foyer to collect her friends. She opens the door with a happy smile on her face as she greets a smiling Blaise. 

"We brought pizza!" He says excitedly. 

"My favorite pizza delivery people." Y/n says as she steps out of the way to allow her friends in. 

Blaise walks in with three boxes of pizza in his arms, his eyes brighter than Y/n had ever seen. Daphne and Pansy walked in right after Blaise, their arms linked together. Pansy wraps an arm around Y/n's shoulders as they walk to the living room.

"What first?" Daphne asks as she struggles to pull her boot off of her foot.

Pansy and Y/n share an evil smirk as Pansy reaches for her bag.

"Makeup!" The two girls yell out as everyone shares a look of horror.

Blaise tries to get up, but Daphne grabs his ankle causing him to trip and fall on his butt. 

"If I have to endure this, you do too." Daphne says with a dead serious look at Blaise. 

He nods and gulps loudly, making everyone laugh. Daphne hits him in the arm as she laughs as well. 

"Who wants to go first?" Pansy asks with an excited look in her eyes. Blaise raises his hand hesitantly. "Great!" Pansy grabs Blaise by his arm and pulls him into her and Y/n, the two girls nearly falling over from the unexpected impact. 

Pansy giggles as she struggles to sit upright, like a turtle stuck on its back. Soon, everyone in the room is laughing hysterically as Pansy's socks slip, not allowing her to get up from the floor.

"Pans, g-get u-up on your k-knees." Daphne says through her laughs. 

Y/n and Daphne help Pansy get on her knees, finally allowing her to get up properly. Blaise and Draco are still laughing and hitting each other as they crack jokes about the situation. Pansy grabs her powdered blush from her bag with a pout on her lips as she looks at the two laughing boys. She opens the blush and uses a brush to make some of it loose before throwing it at the boys.

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