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This chapter takes place during Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and follows parts of the original story by J.K. Rowling.


"We will be arriving fairly soon, I suggest we put on our uniforms," I didn't ask as to how Hermione knew we were close to arrival and just obeyed. Just when we had put on our cloaks, the door to our compartment was pulled open promptly, revealing a boy our age.

"Merlin, we could have been naked!" Hermione shrieked and the boys face turned a deep shade of red.

"S-Sorry! I'm just looking for my toad. Trevor has just disappeared!" He seemed panicked and embarrassed and I felt bad for him.

"Hey, I'm Y/N, what's your name?" I approached him softly. He gave me an unsure smile.

"I-I'm Neville."

"Okay Neville, how about we help you find your toad?" I offered, looking at Hermione for her approval.

"You would do that?" His eyes lit up and Hermione sighed before she nodded in defeat.

"Of course. How about I check the front of the train and you move towards the back?" 

Neville went along with Hermione while I made my way alone knocking at the compartments that led to the end of the Hogwarts Express.

People were whispering all over the train. Whispering about two boys that couldn't be more different from another. 

Rumor had it that one was the boy who lived while they called the other destined to kill.

I couldn't help but wonder if there was a predestined fate for me. 

And whether it was to be a hero or a villain.

I kept on knocking on the compartments instead of bursting in like Neville did to ours and asked if anyone had seen his toad. How far could a toad actually get in a moving train? C'mon Trevor...

Losing hope and having reached the last compartment, I raised my fist to knock.

A weird feeling overcame me, almost like a dark aura that told me to stay away. 

 I shook it off and knocked anyway, opening the door soon after and sticking my head in.

"Hey, have you seen a toad?"

I took a look around the compartment. Four boys my age sat in it and stared back at me in surprise. 

Well, three of them did. 

The other one with dark curly hair and an annoyed expression on his face seemed to have made it a point not to look at the disturbance.

His demeanor and the way the others had almost formed a circle around him told me exactly who he was. There was not a single doubt in my mind, the power he radiated was proof enough of my accusation.

It had to be him. The one that all of the negative rumors were about.

His father was the most feared murderer in the entire wizard world. The ones who weren't afraid of him were against him.

Has he ever had a true friend by his side that didn't just stick by him because of fear? 

Has he ever had somebody who liked him for him? 

Who looked past his reputation and ignored his fate?

I let my gaze wander over the boys that surrounded him and found my answer in their faces. They weren't his friends by choice. They were his friends because they were afraid.

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