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This chapter takes place during Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and follows parts of the original story by J.K. Rowling.

-Y/N POV -

I was writing letters to Hermione and especially to Ginny religiously this summer. After what had happened during our second year at Hogwarts, I made it my mission to continuously check up on Ginny. It turned out, she was the one who was being used by You-Know-Who to open the Chamber of Secrets and hurt all those people. 

I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if Harry hadn't found her and saved the day while Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey brought the Mandrake Restorative Draught to the Hospital Wing so we could restore Hermione and all the others that had been cursed.

I sent a single letter to Mattheo containing smalltalk. And I didn't get an answer. Again. 

No surprise there. 

I stared at the Hogsmeade permission slip that an owl brought earlier attached to the yearly school supplies list. Third years were allowed to visit Hogsmeade, a village close to the castle where you could buy all sorts of things. But to go there, your guardian had to sign the form.

Sure, I easily could have asked Mrs. Cole to sign it, and even though I'm positive she would have done it, no questions asked, it just felt wrong. My parents couldn't sign it, no matter how much I wished for it. 

I tried to push the memory of the worst day of my life back down and concentrated on packing my bags and thinking positive thoughts.

One thing in my mind was highlighted, shining brightly and making me proud. This was going to be the first year where I could actually afford my own school supplies. I had made more than enough galleons while working with Madame Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing and learned so much about how to treat different kinds of injuries. 

For a second, I thought about asking her to sign my permission slip and become my guardian. Should I?

When I met Ginny and Hermione in Diagon Alley, the latter had already bought herself a ginger cat she named Crookshanks. 

"What about you, Ginny? Are you getting a magical pet too?" I asked her while petting the soft fur of the newest addition to our group. Crookshanks purred in satisfaction. 

"No, we already have Ron's pet rat Scabbers and our senile owl Erol," she shook her head but seemed sad. I instantly regretted my insensitive question when I remembered the Weasley's financial situation wasn't better than mine.

"How about you, Y/N?" the red head asked me. I slowly let my gaze wander over my options before shaking my head. Just because I could afford what I needed, didn't mean I was able to splurge on a pet. I was about to respond but stopped when my eyes fell on a wanted poster that was plastered on the wall. 

"Who's that?" I whispered, staring at the convicted criminal photograph. The man had long dark hair and pale skin that made him look scary.

"That's Sirius Black. He's a Death Eater and murdered thirteen people. I overheard Dad say that he's the only one who has ever escaped Azkaban." Ginny followed my gaze and shuddered.

"A Death Eater?" That sounded downright disgusting.

"That's what the followers of You-Know-Who call themselves." Fitting.

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