Now they all stand on the side of the stage. Henry has finished his set a while ago and Ed Sheeran was now performing. The concert is almost over. But there is one last surprise.

"It's almost my turn." Henry kisses Alex, then grabs his guitar. "Last song, of the last show, on the last night."

"What do you mean?" Alex looks at him in surprise. "Are you going to go up and play together with Ed?"

Henry nods, beaming at Alex. "Yes, he asked me to play the last song together with him, since it's the last concert. Isn't that amazing!"

"Absolutely, love." Alex is a bit stunned, but he also knows that Henry has earned it. With guitar already in his hand Henry pulls Alex closer as Ed begins to announce to the audience that the last song will be with Henry. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you more."

"That's up for debate." Henry responds with undeniably love beaming form his eyes, then he enters the stage to a shockwave of cheers and howling, looking back one more time to Alex and their families and friends standing behind him.

Henry is more nervous than any other time he went on stage so far. This time it's so much more than just singing.

"You know the last song is always: Perfect" Ed exclaims to the crowd. "But tonight, I have someone special singing with me. Henry Fox, my highly talented support act." Ed gives Henry a wink. Pride is swelling in his chest hearing someone as successful as Ed Sheeran calling him talented. He glances at Alex and sees the same emotion resonated in his eyes. Alex in unbelievably proud of what Henry has achieved, what they have achieved together.

"Tonight, will be a bit different though" Ed explains "This will be Henry's version of the song." He nods to Henry that he's ready.

Henry's hands are shaking slightly and he fears his voice will give out, but as soon as the music starts, it's like a switch has been flipped. Their voices have a great harmony as they begin to sing together.

I found a love for me

Darling just dive right in and follow my lead

The next lines Henry is singing alone. He looks too the side. Alex is swaying to the music. He tries to enjoy these last minutes to the fullest. His boyfriend on stage with Ed Sheeran is something not many singers or managers achieve.

Well, I found a boy,

Beautiful and sweet

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

He catches Henry staring at him while singing and then Henry starts walking towards him. His eyes never leave Alex, who starts to look around in confusion. Is something wrong with Henry or his guitar? Why is he leaving the stage?

From behind June whispers "I think you should join Henry on stage."

"But why?" Alex asks not understanding.

"Don't ask stupid questions, just go." June gives him a friendly shove from behind and he stumbles up on stage. His heart starts hammering in his chest. Something is happening. Something big. Alex can feel it. He is having trouble breathing and when Henry takes his hand and guides him further onto the stage to Ed' words, he has a hard time not to bolt. But it's Henry who's standing in front of him and he would never run from him. Ed continues to sing.

Cause we may be kids

But we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be all right this time

Then suddenly Henry takes off his guitar and gives it to a roadie that just appeared out of nowhere. Alex still doesn't get what is happening. Then time stops, because Henry goes down on one knee, taking one of Alex hands and getting out a little box.

The box weight heavy in the pocket of his trousers all night. Henry had it all meticulously planned. Everyone knew, except for Alex and well the audience of course. Ed was his greatest supporter and had helped him make it all possible.

Now he's down on one knee in front of Alex, who is staring at him in disbelief. He'll propose to the love of his life, and he does it the way he knows best, by singing.

Darling just hold my hand

Be my boy, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Then the music gets turned down, still playing in the background and the entire audience falls quiet.

"I love you, Alex. I've loved you since the day I met you. and when you are in my life, I have nothing else I long for. We have been through so much together and we made it out stronger than before" Henry is still wearing a microphone, So the whole stadium can hear what he is saying "You are my one. My love. My soulmate. You make me a better person, because you love me for who I am. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life arguing with you, singing with you, dancing with you, loving you. And I hope you will let me shout my love from the top of the world, because I want everyone to know that: I LOVE YOU, ALEXANDER GABRIEL CLAREMONT-DIAZ!"

The crowd starts cheering and Alex can't hold back his tears anymore. Henry is still down on one knee smiling up at him with tears glistening in his eyes. "So, love, will you do me the incredible honor and become my husband - will you marry me, Alex?" The last bit comes out a bit choked and Alex falls down to his knees to be on eyelevel with Henry.

"Of course, you fucking idiot!" Alex shouts and instantly hugs the love of his life. "I can't believe you did this." He laughs. He holds out his hand for Henry to put the ring on his finger and then proceeds to kiss him.

"It's you, Alex Claremont-Diaz. Of course, it had to be extravagant." Henry kisses the tip of his noses with every punctuation of the words: "Just. Like. You."

Still sobbing, Henry pulls him up, takes his hand and intertwines their fingers before lifting them up to show the audience – and the world.

"He said yes!" Henry shouts. "I'm marrying Alex Claremont-Diaz!" The crowd is cheering like crazy now and Ed is grinning and giving them a thumbs up.

Alex can't hold back and gives Henry another kiss and whispers "My fiancé!" in Henry's ear. A shiver runs down Henry's spine at this. He really likes the sound of it.

Ed begins to speak again "Give it up for the future Mr. and Mr. Claremont-Diaz Fox. Congratulations guys!"

They both smile at him. The music turns back up and Ed start to repeat the chorus.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

You look perfect


With their hands still intertwined Alex and Henry wander of the stage, right in the directions of their families and friends who are waiting for them with smiling faces and open arms. They know they'll have a whole life together now. It might not be Perfect, but they can do anything, as long as they're together.

I never knew you were the someone waiting for meWhere stories live. Discover now