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This chapter is the result of a team effort :) It is co-created with my very talented Betareader, and we are currently working on the next (and final) chapter of Domicile.We hope you enjoy the chapter. - Love, Ayana (and Nadine)

The pub is almost empty. There are a few guys playing darts in the corner, and a very drunk older woman slumping at the bar, but for Alex that's kind of perfect. He is not really in a talkative mood. June has been pushing him to start socializing a bit more again. Apparently, she thinks Alex has been hiding at home, avoiding meeting anyone and honestly, she might be right. He just doesn't want to talk to anybody, which is kind of unlike him. Also, he really doesn't think he is ready to be with someone else. Not even just for a hook up. No matter how much flirting and getting someone into his bed could help him get over Henry.

"You look like something the cat dragged in." June plops down next to Alex with her own beer in hand.

"That sounds about right. I definitely feel like it." These Friday afternoon meet-ups were totally her idea. At first June wanted to let him grief as she said, but when this period didn't end, she was fed up at some point and just dragged him out again. They've been doing this for almost six weeks now. There are times when it's great fun and Alex' spirits are rather high, and other times it's like today. Where in Alex' opinion the world can go fuck itself.

"So, what is bothering you today? Did you stupidly enough try to call him again?" June nudges him with her elbow, trying to get him to smile. It's been nearly three months since Henry left, and Alex hasn't really been able to get in touch with him, besides that single email he got a week after Henry left, letting Alex know he no longer required him to be his manager, since he didn't pursue that career anymore. On that day Alex almost flew straight to England to slap some sense into him, but he knew it wasn't his place. Instead, Alex just thanked Henry for everything and told him he was sorry, that he couldn't be of more help in regards of his professional career as a singer. He never got an answer back, which was kind of what he had hoped for. No, it was even worse - they haven't communicated since. Not a single word. Not for a lack of trying at his end – which is exactly what June is hinting at, asking about a call he may have made. Sometimes, Alex drunk texts or drunk calls him. Never receiving an answer. He even tried that email address he had, but it just came back that it didn't exist anymore. And it always messes him up for days.

"Haven't tried, not yet." Alex says with his lips attached to the beer bottle before taking another sip. "But today I have no choice. I have to call him."

"Why?" June furrows her brows. She hates how he gets after trying to call him. She says it breaks her heart to see her little brother so deeply in distress. And Alex gets it. He would hate it too, had it been the other way around. So, he tries to hide it most of the times, but to no use. She knows him to well.

"Because I got a call today. Ed Sheeran wants Henry to join him on tour. Be his support act."

"Oh my god! That's amazing." June practically squeals, but Alex doesn't join in on her excitement. "Wait, you don't think it's amazing?" June is confused.

"Sure. It's great." He replies flatly "But Henry doesn't want to sing anymore and technically I'm no longer his manager."

"Oh... right." June's excitement falters, as she proceeds sipping her bear and seemingly thinking about something.

"Then add the fact that he won't answer my calls or better yet, I can't get a hold of him at all, and we have a damn fucking disaster on our hands." With his eyes closed Alex takes a deep breath, trying to calm down his heart that always goes crazy when they talk about Henry.

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