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"Daddy!" Venice ran up to Pete

"Hello Venice, did you have a nice day here?" Pete smiled while hugging his son

"Yes. We were drawing today" Venice told him and smiled at the teacher who was standing next to them

"That's great. So are you ready to go home?" Pete smiled at him and Venice nodded

"Mr. Theerapanyakun could I talk to you about something before you leave?" Emiko stopped Pete who nodded and told Venice to go ahead and wait for him in the changing room

"Did something happen, miss Emiko?" Pete asked a little bit nervous about what does the teacher want to speak to him about

"No, nothing happened mr. Theerapanyakun. It's just about one of Venice's drawings, please come with me" Emiko said a bit amused so Pete hoped that there really are no troubles while following her to her desk where she had the drawings from the kids

"As you know I usually let the kids draw whatever they want and today Venice drew me this" she said and handed Pete the drawing.

Pete was sure he was going to shoot someone when he saw it. Venice drew himself and some of the bodyguards playing poker. He recognised Kai for sure but with the others he was not 100% sure who is who. He even drew quite a few details there. The bottles the guys usually have on the table while playing, for example. And some of them even smoked cigarettes. The men do not smoke when Venice is there but he saw them smoke at some point so he just added that to his drawing.

"Oh my God..." Pete ran his hand over his face

"I swear Venice never touched any of the alcohol there, or the cigarettes. The men are not even allowed to smoke when Venice is nearby, so when they play when Venice is there none of them smoke. And he does not even play, he just likes to watch them playing..." Pete began convincing Emiko that he and Vegas are not terrible and terribly irresponsible parents.

"Mr. Theerapanyakun I am sure that you and your husband do take very good care of Venice. I just found this drawing to be quite funny if I am being honest. Obviously I can not put it on display anywhere here but I thought you might want to take it home" Emiko tried to calm him down when she saw he was panicking.

"Yes, thank you, I will definitely take it with me. And I am so sorry. I know that this must look... I don't know I just..." Pete didn't even know what to say about the drawing

"It's alright mr. Theerapanyakun. This is hardly the weirdest drawing a child gave me, trust me" she assured him and Pete smiled a bit, glad that Emiko is not about to report him and Vegas to the authorities for child neglect

"Does...does Venice have any homeworks today?" Pete asked desperately wanting to move on from the drawing

"No, nothing today" Emiko smiled and shook her head

"I...thank you..I'll go then and...and...I am really sorry, Venice does play with normal toys at home I swear" Pete needed to make sure that Emiko knows that Venice's free time is not just him watching people gamble

"I know he does. He tells us about what toys he plays with when we are talking about it" Emiko assured him

"Does he...ever talk about..." Pete wasn't even sure if he wants to know and glanced at the drawing few times

"I don't think he ever did. He probably just wanted to draw that, nothing more" Emiko told him

"I am glad that Venice is not amusing his friends with stories from poker nights" Pete said quite relieved

"Not that he's ever been to any! He's obviously not allowed to be there when they play at night. He has bedtime. And..and we also read him before he goes to bed as well" Pete added quickly, starting to panic again

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