2 - Into the Woods, Toward Each Other

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Jack woke up one lively morning, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He took a look of the pretty view while thinking about Connor, he was still thinking about how he had giving his jacket and let him keep it. God, he loved Connor. He was always a really sweet person and very understanding. And just very pretty in general, but Jack isn't gay or anything..right? That wouldn't be right, he has always been into women his whole entire life it would be strange to just suddenly like his friend. No homo to all of that then. He did his daily routine, check the weather, the temperature...all of that. Then he went outside to get some wood from the cabin so he could get warm since it was pretty warm, he was still wearing Connors jacket, it was so comfortable and still had the scent of Connor on it. He grabbed the wood and went back up on the stairs, almost tripping on the way up of the stairs. Jack let out a sigh of relief from almost dying. He put the wood inside of the furnace, along with the gas, and the lit up match. Once it was all burning he sat down. Jack started to get bored, like, really bored. Jesus was this job always so boring? How did Connor work here for years?? Jack didn't get it, but it is what it is. Again, there was nothing there was to do for Jack, at this point he was gonna fucking DIE because of the boredom. "Hey..a walk around the forest wouldn't hurt right?? I can just walk around and get back once the sun starts going down." Jack said to himself, thinking this was a amazing idea. He trusted himself on that and got himself ready. Once finished he walked out of his tower and went north. It smelled like brand new trees and wet dirt. It was a pretty smell, Jack LOVED the smell of wet dirt. The sun was starting to go down so he decided to go back..until..he got lost. "Wh-..WHERE THE FUCK AM I??" Jack yelled to himself as he groaned loudly from disappointment. He reached into his bag to see if he had his map but remembered he accidently left it in his tower. He didn't know the forest, like, at all. He has only been there for a month and still hasn't learned on where everything was. There was one person who did though "Right, I can just call Connor.." Jack said as he took out his walkie talkie, he opened the communication and spoke "Hey, Jack from tower 11 here. Connor can you hear me?" Jack said and waited. While Connor was just doing nothing and got the message, his face lit up and quickly ran to the radio "Hey Jack, whats up?" Jack was so happy to hear Connor's sweet voice. "Hey dude..so..I'm lost in the forest, with no map, and I know you know the forest pretty well..so can you pick me up? I'm at north.." Jack said nervously and Connor giggled through the radio "Hah, yeah, sure. I'll be there in a bit. PLEASE. Don't die on me..I'd hate to see you dead on the floor." Connor said lastly and closed the communication. The last sentence made Jack worry, he didn't know what to expect in the forest but he prayed he wouldn't get attacked by some random ass bear. He sat on a log and waited quietly. After 30 mins Connor finally made it and smiled at Jack "Dude...you're still wearing my jacket?" Connor said giggling and Jack slightly blushed "Yes...I really like it..it's comfy.." Connor smiled at that "Well, whatever you say Jack.." Connor nudged Jack playfully and Jack giggled "Come on dude, lets go back. I know the way." Connor said and Jack smirked "Ah, of course you do..freaking nature nerd." Connor let out a dramatic gasp, to make it seem he was hurt "Wow! How dare you.." Connor said dramatically and Jack suddenly felt all warm inside..and had the urge to just hold Connors hand while they walked, Jack took a deep breath and looked at Connor "Hey, Connor..hope this isn't weird but do you mind if we hold hands..?" Jack asked nervously with a blush on his face, Connor blushed at that to "Well..uh..sure..!" Connor said while he was a blushing mess. Jack's hand fit perfectly in his. It was like a puzzle piece to a puzzle. He didn't want to loose his grip. His were so soft and sweet, and Connors hands felt so delicate. He was so attracted to him. They made their way past a few trees and Connor noticed Jack looking at him. He couldn't take his eyes off of him, the way he walked, the way he smiled. He got lost in thoughts of him just staring. They got back to tower 11, said their goodbyes and Jack sat on his bed, still thinking about Connors hand. But still this fucking ASSHOLE IS IN DENIAL STILL THAT HE ISN'T GAY. Anyways he closed his eyes and thought of Connor..he didn't know what to expect tomorrow, but as always..tomorrow is another day.

A/N this is lazy bc im tired and my back hurts 🤕🤕 my bad yall mb..but yeah hope u enjoyu second chapter yaysyy

(900 words) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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