"M’kay, let's...do it," Yoon-Ji nodded, her words muffled as she chewed on her food.

The group cheered enthusiastically, and Yoon-Ji couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when she noticed classmates from other rows turning to stare at them, giving them varying looks. From neutral to downright annoyed.

Even the president, Kim Jun-Hee, woke from his sleep to briefly look at them. Yoon-Ji tipped her head at him, as if to apologize for the rowdiness. Thankfully, the other received this message with a nod and smile.

Im Eun-Chan, who took on the role of the game master, also noted the glances they were getting and tried to pacify the group so they could begin the game, but the noise was inexhaustible when they had the Heo-Yool whooping loudly every now and then.

“By the way,” Yoon-Ji inquired after swallowing the last bite, and everyone promptly listened in. “What's with this version we're going to be playing? Additional general rules? New roles?”
“Spot on as always Yoon! One new role, to be exact,” Eun-Chan answered, showing off the title card on his phone, which read ‘Vigilante’.

A girl seated to the far right side of the last row, with blonde streaks in her hair, Choi Mi-Na, perked up, “Just one? How is it going to change the game, then?”
“Aish, this is why I told you guys to read the description earlier.” Heo-Yool cut in, rolling his eyes and shaking his head in mock disappointment while the others bemoaned his words. “Anyways, the Vigilante is a killing role, but the catch is that they're an innocent. They're not required to kill anyone during their turn, but if they do, they can only kill after two nights have passed.”

Everyone took in the information and responded varyingly, with some being quickly receptive to the change and others just confused about what strategy could be used with the additional role in the play.

To Heo-Yool's side, Yeon-Woo had a Eureka moment as he held out his green can of Pringles and said, “Since they're citizens, doesn't that mean–"

“–they have to help remove the Mafia. Yep.” Eun-Chan finished, ”So, can we finally start?”

Everyone agreed and the air was filled with excitement as they started the game with the new role. Over time, the more they played, the more they became immersed. Their voices rose higher with each passing round. The sounds of laughs, gasps, and cries of surprise filled the air, the students getting so caught up that they barely noticed how the sun had started to set outside, casting their bus in a golden hue.

As the sun began to set in the sky, the excitement and anticipation for the game continued to take hold, All were completely engrossed, not wanting to stop until the game had reached its climax and they found the Mafia.

“I told you I'm not the mafia!” Eun-Ha raised her voice, sending the group an almost desperate look while she pleaded innocence. The players returned it with a doubtful look, all except Yoon-Ji who was taking the opportunity to sneakily peek at every player's micro expressions.

“Come on, you basically have ‘guilty’ tattooed on your face,” Heo-Yool tutted at Eun-Ha, before announcing, “Let’s vote her out now and win!” to which everyone murmured in agreement.

Before they could do anything more, Yoon-Ji finally decided to cut in: “No, wait! Let's do the vigilante phase first; We haven't heard if they're dead, maybe they already know who the mafia is this time and can finally take action for us. If we vote now and choose wrongly, the Mafia will just win.”

“You heard Yoon-Ji!” Eun-Ha urged, making the others quickly flip flop from agreeing with Heo-Yool to agreeing with Yoon-Ji.

The male continued to argue otherwise, saying if the Vigilante chose wrongly, the citizens would lose as well. Yoon-Ji defended it by saying that, at least then, the game would end with a bang. The two quarrelled for a bit and only quietened down once Eun-Chan signalled for all of them to close their eyes so they could start the next phase.

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