Chapter Two

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Our time at Lestrange Manor didn't last much longer after the signing of the contract between Rodolphus and I that our parents signed as witnesses. 

It seemed to truly please Lord Lestrange that I had chosen to read over the contract myself before signing it, even after Mother had said that she already looked it over.

Though that was mainly because I couldn't trust her to not screw me over.

"I shall write you," offered Rodolphus as he showed us back toward the floo room where Mother left first leaving me to say my own goodbyes. "We have until your fifteenth birthday for you to take your place as Lady Lestrange."

That was another issue I had with this new life since most Pureblood women were married off young after having gained a solid marriage contract with another family. 

Before in my original world this would be more then looked down upon considering I was still underage. It was just another thing I had to become used to in this world.

Part of me had hoped that I could still push this off until I at least turned seventeen.

That being the age of majority and my final magical growth for my magical core.

"Of course," I answered with a small dip of my head even though I knew at this current time he saw me really as nothing more than a future pawn to the Lestrange family. "I'll write back, until then Heir Lestrange."

Instead of giving the older a chance to respond I had already gathered up enough floo powder and stepped into the fire as I threw it down to take me home. 

Though from the knowing smirk on his face it seemed he was enjoying the small silent challenge I had tossed at his feet. A challenge I would have to be wary of.

Many had said in my first life, had theorized anyway, that Rodolphus and Bellatrix had loved one another even when others thought that Bellatrix wanted to get with Voldemort. 

That was something I hadn't had an opinion on, but now as he was my future husband, I would give him the same respect he gave me.

Even if that meant I had to become the wife to a future Death Eater.

"How did it go?" asked Regulus the second I walked into my bedroom causing me to blink since I had thought he would have already fallen asleep by now. "I had Kreacher wake me up the moment he knew you had returned."

I wasn't even surprised that he knew what I was confused about.

"It went well," I answered with a small smirk as I reached over to ruffle his hair causing the other to whine and move away from me. "I'll be married after my Fifth Year. Though there were a few clauses added, as agreed upon by Lord Black, that I find myself happy with."

Mainly that in the case that Rodolphus became a threat to myself, then I could annul our marriage and would gain a hefty sum in return along with my marriage dowry being returned. 

It was something I knew that had likely aggravated Lord Lestrange.

Though that was just one of the five clauses that my father and grandfather wanted added.

All of which I found myself in agreement with.

"Good," stated Regulus with a firm nod before shuffling off to his room as he caught sight of Sirius standing in the doorway. "Goodnight."

"Sleep well," I returned before facing Sirius as he ambled further into the room with a slight frown upon his face. "It's good to see you up and about, Siri."

"I can't believe you actually signed the contract," grumbled Sirius with a huff causing my eyes to narrow upon my twin as he flopped down onto my bed. "You know if you go against it, then you'll lose your magic or worse your life."

"Instead of trying to buck our traditions and run away," I mused slowly voice cold and cutting while my eyes all but turned to chips of ice. "You could learn to turn anything in your own favor no matter the situation you're placed in."

That was the true Black way, not that he realized it. 

Something told me that our mother was filling his head with lies on the way a Black was supposed to behave. It made me wish that I could force her away from him.

That I could keep him from being poisoned against our family.

Though the only way for that to happen was for our mother to die.

Sirius had nothing to say to that.

~ Time Skip ~

The day had finally arrived for us to leave for Hogwarts, and in that time, I had received twelve different letters from my fiancé. Sirius had also seemed to be quieter and barely spoke to me as he seemed to instead spend more of his time with Regulus, much to the other boy's happiness.

Then once we had arrived at the train we had separated as Sirius went in hunt of James, who had also attended a few of the galas which allowed the boys to meet and befriend one another, while I sought out a compartment. 

Luckily our trunks had the function upon them that made them lighter than a feather and warded to the gills against thievery.

It also had the option to be shrunk down so we could place into our pockets.

Something I made sure to put to use until I found a compartment.

"Watch how you speak," I warned icily hours later as I came across another compartment in search of Sirius, instead finding Severus Snape and Lily Evans. "Sirius Black is the Heir to The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black."

That fact alone meant he was given respect and caution in spades.

Hearing such demeaning comments about my twin, my own blood, was the quickest way to set off my own rage. It was those moments when my rage grew too large that Father would say my Black Madness was so similar to that of Bellatrix's.

Not that I minded that comparison.

"What does that have to do with anything?" wondered Evans with a furrowed brow while looking between Snape and myself.

"You must be a Muggleborn," I mused in answer before smiling thinly at the two before me when Snape puffed up in slight defense of his friend. "One thing you should know about the Magical World, and especially that of Magical Britain, is that it is ruled by those of the Noble Houses."

Which wasn't even a lie since it was the Noble Houses that had inherited automatic Seats in the Wizengamot that made all the rules for our world. 

They were the ones to vote in the future Ministers for our Magical Ministry. Any laws made were voted upon by them, i.e., making those with the Seats to vote hold the power.

It was also why I didn't understand why Voldemort hadn't tried to go about this politically.

He had his own Seats via Slytherin and Gaunt.

"That doesn't seem fair," continued Evans while Snape remained silent even as he paled fully after catching sight of the engagement ring upon my finger that bared the Lestrange crest. "How does that work out for us Muggleborn's then?"

"Make something of yourself and gain the backing of one of the Noble Houses," I answered since that was something that Grandfather had mentioned. "Doing so will upgrade your standing in this world enough to give yourself a chance at being heard."

Which was something I knew she could do considering how intelligent she seemed.

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