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Reaper asked. Geno didn't notice him coming, he would always appear out of nowhere but Geno got startled as he's still not used to it

"Oh,hi. What's up?"

Reaper then set down next to Geno leaning on the rock behind them

"How did you...end up here? If i may ask"

"I was looking for someone..."

Geno almost forgot he was here to find that certain person who sort of creeped him at the times he was at the SAVE screen. He'd lose his thoughts looking around and finding nice places to nap,everything was beautiful in this place. Every time he wandered around, he'd find something new and even if it was quite boring to just nap all day,he'd find it enjoyable whit the surroundings he had. Once he found a corner in the forest it looked like someone had already been there. It had an open dirt patch, circled around by the other pretty plants. They were all with different colours, with a little paler tone. They were scattered around randomly but yet looked so perfect that way. Looking up he'd see an open hole just above the little dart patch he'd sit on. The trees all very close to each other blocking the sky view with their leaves but it looked like someone removed some of the leafs in the way so they could get some light over where they were sitting. It was so easy to fall asleep too, it was quiet but with some sounds of woods which made it even more enjoyable. It started raining when he fell asleep,he took a really big leaf and put it above a branch which was over his head. The light went just right to the colourful flowers and plants and the rain making them look like they were shining. Moments like these made him feel like just staying in this world but he had an actual life with a family which is what he wanted so much before, to see his brother back and his friends too. So he couldn't just forget about it for some pretty sightings. He had to remember what he came here for ,so he could focus and finish it soon since he's pretty sure it's been around a week or 2 since he's been gone.

"And what's so peculiar about this... "someone" you speak of?"

"Well, i just know that there was someone who was sort of spying on me when i was stuck in a certain place"


"Actually, you kind of remind me of that person"


"Well, yeah! You're pretty quiet and sneaky 'cause every time you come back i always get a little scared since i never see you coming"

"Oh! I'm sorry for that i-"

"Hey it's cool,I'm not mad"

"Oh...ok then"

Geno chuckled at Reaper's reaction. He was pretty nervous for a guy who's death but Geno thought it was pretty sweet.

A moment of silence came in. Reaper was fidgeting with his scythe holding it still and then letting it fall on his hand before it got too close to falling on him. Geno leaned down more comfortably on the rock. He lets his arms fall behind his neck as he was about to take a nap and his attention being taken to Reaper playing with his scythe.

Until it slipped.

Reaper freaked out and quickly grabbed it as fast as he could. He grabbed the part on top to make sure it didn't touch Geno as he was scared of it killing him. He fell in his back and in Geno's lap,he sighed in relief and noticed Geno's face looking down at him being very close to his. Reaper's eyes widened and he had a slight blue dusting on his cheek as he shot up his upper body quickly

"S-Sorry, sorry!"

Geno started laughing

"Heheh,Hey I'm fine don't worry!"

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