014 skating practice.

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"I'm not confused, I'm just..conflicted.." "Yeah babe, that's the same thing as being confused." Marianne patted my shoulder, making me shoot her a tired, mixed with an annoyed look before facing Caroline.

The truth was. I wasn't even confused. I knew I liked Connor. I'd known since Saturday. The problem was my experiences with love in general. In almost every relationship I've had, I've either been ghosted or cheated on. And Milo was my first real long term relationship so when he cheated and ghosted me, it was just another constant reminder of all the other relationships I'd had.

And as much as I knew Connor may not do the same, I couldn't help but feel paranoid of the latter.

"Oh babe." Madeline spoke a lot more softly this time before her, Marianne and Caroline trudged forward, engulfing me into a group hug. I chuckled lowly before wrapping my arms around them, pulling them in closer.

"We know how you feel about relationships. And we know how you feel about love in general, courtesy of Milo the douchebag so we don't blame you for feeling a little weird about all this." Caroline assured.

"But we also have to tell you that if you do think you have some sort of romantic feelings for Connor, you should at least tell him before it gets too messy. For either of you. Especially since you're in a fake relationship with each other." Marianne reminded me and I slowly took a few inhales and exhales.

I nodded softly at the same time the bell rang, indicating that it was time to start getting to class. I waved bye to my friends as they began making their ways to class. Since I currently had a free period, I figured it was a perfect time to head to the hockey arena to return Connor's flannel.

and to see and spend time with him so your feelings for him can grow.

Okay seriously, this subconscious thing was really starting to get silly.

But the girl's were right. As soon as I figured out what these feelings for Connor were, the first thing I'd needed to do was tell him.

I finally made my way to the hockey arena, opening the doors, expecting to see the full hockey team practicing.

Except only Connor was here, running through some drills as he shot the puck through the goal pen with ease before taking off his helmet, shaking his head before racking his hand from his messy hair and I could feel the butterflies burst through my stomach again before reining them in as we made eye contact with each other.

"Hey.." I waved over at him as he placed his hockey stick to one side before skating on over to me. "Hi." He breathed out as he placed his helmet on one of the bleacher seats.

"I just came to return your flannel back.. since I forgot to Saturday.." I began taking off the flannel before he stopped me then. "No, don't worry about it. It looks better on you anyways."

And just like that, the butterflies were back at it again in my stomach.

"Okay then.." I muttered quietly before placing it back on as Connor leaned against the opening frame of the rink, his arms crossed slightly. "How come you're all alone here?"

"Everyone else is taking a break. How come you're here though?" He mirrored back a question to me. "Free period." I answered, my hands wondering to play with my braided plaits of hair again.

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