only part

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Why I'm making you may ask well if you liked this or hate this you can blame @Seumadrugs. 

So with that out the way I'm going to do this in 3 parts first the full description of overlord, second is the fanfiction, third is why I like it and scratch that particular itch despite itself, and other stuff. Okay let's do this.

In the year 2138 on a earth like our own but the big company's control everything, grown adults are bearly smarter than a 6th grader , the weather so nose fuck so that it almost never snow and with always cloudy sky with smog , with both communisms and government restriction never existed.

with everything kinda suckin there was, one of the company call Nalimpora .Inc made a game call YGGDRASIL a vr mmorpg where a millions of people log on level up there character  make guilds and just to dick around, the most famous and the most powerful being Ainz Ooal Gown with a total of 41 players with the leader being Momonga(actual human name is Suzuki Satoru) skeleton necromancer mage. 

the game gave you the ability to make NPC's and add a description/history and modified there stats and pic class and subclass ect.

with the game going strong for years the devs eventually had pull the plug due for the lack of popularity.

most players have already fell off leaving only a few left with momonga being one of the few left around and with only a few of his friends visit him and rest move on with there lives past there the game and with momnoga disperses and stuff all he want to do is to wait till the game to forcefully log him out. 

 as he head to the throne room taking his super cute maids and a handsome butler with him, he check one particular NPC albedo she was made by one of his comrades and notice paragraph and paragraph of text he notices on the bottom she also a slut, and since he thought none of this would exits in a few seconds he change that last line to she deeply in love with momonga so with that done he lay back and wait as the countdown went to zero.

nothing, nothing happen (so I am recapping ep 1 and 2 so yea) and with the NPC's not acting like NPC's still kind of shocked about his situation he orders sedbus and the maid to explore the surroundings with them gone he had to really confirm this is all real and not some form of an exaptation pack he try touching albedo and just 100% to make sure the devs don't want r18 stuff in there game so he touched her breast.

with that he knows this is all real and if you remember the change he made she is all horny so to get out of that situation he said it is upmost important to gather the rest with her being the overseer the floor gradian it should be difficult.

he teleported the amphitheater where we meet the twins the trap and the reverse trap, since he needs to test his powers he summoned a fire dragon elemental, and he let the twins to fight it. after they defeated he gave them water.

know we meet the some of the floor gradians

first the overseer Albedo

first the overseer Albedo

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