I'm a vegetarien!

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Recap from last chapter:

" Hello one and all. If you don't know yet, this is your new goverment speaking. If you haven't noticed yet, Your eye colour has changed since your meeting with our representatif. The thing is, we are starting a new regime. If your eye colour changed blue, meaning the income of your family is lower than 100k a year, you are now the hunted. And if your eye colour is red, meaning that the income of your family is higher than 100k a year, you are now the hunters. What does this mean and why are we doing this? Well, the world isn't printing money anymore and withought money, how can a goverment function. How will people optain food? Well, the poor people have nothing to offer so they can be the food and the rich are the rich so they'll get the upper hand. If you don't want to eat a human thought it's not my problem. Don't blame the govement, blame life. Hunted, we'll give you 24 hours to hide. Don't you just love a good game? Goodbye and good afternoon."

Weldon's POV

Well I'm not ok with that! I'm vegetarien! I mean I know some people have it harder that me, being hunted or whatever but I'm gonna die of starvation. There is no way on the Lord's Earth am I killing and eating another human. All those who are going to are discusting.

I have to find another way. Runaway maybe. I know dad is probably thrilled about this new regime. He's always loved hunting but I've never liked doing it. Every time he would shoot an animal I would just cry. I'm a very soft person. Slow to anger and very gentle. 

Dad is propably jumping with joy by the fact that this forces me to toughen up. Well this is not going to stop me. And he can't do anything to me if I refuse to do this. I'm my own human. I turn 18 tomorrow and as soon as I do, I'm out of this house. Maybe I'll move into our caban in the woods and be peacful. That sounds nice... that sounds really nice. 

As a matter of fact, I'll start packing right now! I dont have long until dad starts looking for me. 24 hours. That's harsh. When are the unfortunate people going to find time to hide. Also, when they are all dead, who are we going to go after next. Why can't we just all be vegetarien like me and live in peace?

Packing is harder than I thought it would be. I have so many memories here. I have so many things I want to bring with me but they don't all seem to fit in my suitcase. I resort to taking only a few clothes, some things I'll maybe need to survive in the woods and a photo of me and mom. I don't have a photo with me and my dad. 

Mom and dad not being home all the time only made me sneaking out much easier. As I left the mansion, some nosy neighbors asked where I was going and I told them to our house in the country and that seemed to do the trick. I'm out of hear and I hope I never have to run into anyone else.

A life of solitude is just what I need.

And that's chapter 2. You've met the 2 main characters. I wonder what chapter 3 will bring. Will they meet?!

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