Oh, I like this bitch, I think to myself.

I can't help but smile at Vincent's sister's warm greeting, appreciating the fact that she seems unfazed by my unconventional choice of outfit.

"Nice to meet you!" I chirp too.

"I am sorry about the way she is dressed, Sophia. I have yet to train her," Vincent declares grumpily.

Train me? Oh, hell no!

I shoot Vincent a glare, refusing to let his comment slide. "Maybe you should get training on your attitude first."

Sophia giggles, clearly amused by the banter. "I think she looks great! It's refreshing to see someone who isn't afraid to be themselves."

Vincent grumbles something under his breath, but I can tell he's outnumbered in this little fashion debate.

"Your last name. It isn't the same as Vincent's," I observe.

Sophia nods. "Vincent and I share the same mother, but my father is a Bellamy.

"Oh, was your father Vincent's mother's side piece?" I blurt out.

Sophia bursts into laughter, and even Vincent can't suppress a smile at my bold question. I can see him shooting me an amused yet warning look, but I've already committed to my sinful path.

"No, nothing scandalous like that," Sophia replies, still chuckling. "His parents divorced before Vincent's mom and my dad got together. Complicated family dynamics, you know?"

I nod, pretending to be serious. "Ah, the tangled webs we weave. Well, I'm happy to join the circus."

Vincent shakes his head. "Do you ever think before you speak, Sarah?"

I shrug, unapologetic. "Thinking is overrated. Besides, it keeps things interesting, doesn't it?"

Sophia nods in agreement. "You are right, Sarah. I like how bold you are. Maybe it will keep my brother in line."

I grin at Sophia's remark, sensing a newfound ally. "That's the plan! Someone's got to keep him on his toes."

Sophia chuckles, giving Vincent a teasing look. "Well, Vincent, it looks like you've met your match."

Vincent rolls his eyes, not at all amused. "That's enough from both of you. Let's order."

I look at the menu. Everything in it was expensive. Even though my father is quite well off, I never bothered to eat like this. I've always been content with a cheeseburger from a fast food restaurant.

But I guess my eating habit is about to change too.

"So, Sarah. How old are you?" Sophia asks, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Nineteen," I say as I pick on my food.

Sophia's eyes turn wide. "Oh my! You are just a baby! What are you doing marrying my brother?"

"I have no idea. Why don't you ask Vincent? Vincent, do tell your sister how you kidnapped me," I say as I playfully tap him on the shoulder.

Vincent shoots me a glare, but I keep smiling at him. "Kidnapped is a strong word. It was merely an arranged marriage."

Sophia arches an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Arranged marriage? You two really know how to keep things unconventional."

I nod, playing along. "Yeah, apparently, we still live in the 1800s."

Vincent, sensing that the spotlight is on him, clears his throat. "It's not as dramatic as it sounds. I made a special arrangement with her father."

Sophia smirks. "Wow, this kind of makes sense."

"How does it make sense?" I ask.

"I just never thought I'd see the day my big brother would willingly tie the knot," Sophia says. "Vincent doesn't believe in love."

"Yeah, I figured as much," I say. I shiver at the memory of my first time with him. He didn't even consider the fact that he was hurting me. Bastard. "Would you excuse me? I have to go to the bathroom," I say, standing up.

Vincent grabs my arm before I walk away. "Don't try anything funny," he whispers in my arm.

"I am not going to escape through the bathroom window if that's what you are worried about," I say loud enough for Sophia to hear before I walk away.

As I make my way to the bathroom, I can feel Vincent's lingering gaze on me. His whispered warning only adds to the tension that simmers beneath the surface. I wonder if Sophia will interrogate him about us now.

Entering the bathroom, I take a moment to collect myself. I splash water on my face, and I try to shake off the discomfort from being near Vincent.

"You are fine, Sarah. Just go back to the table and pretend like everything is normal," I give myself a pep talk, then head out.

But as I turn a corner, I bump into someone. I gasp as I find myself face to face with Jared – my childhood friend, the one I've been dreaming of marrying one day.

He looks up from his phone, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "Sarah?"

I can't believe the timing. "Jared? Is that really you?"

He nods, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I can't believe it's you. Where have you been?"

Before I can respond, Vincent's warning echoes in my mind. What will he think if he sees me talking to Jared? 

Forced to Wed: A Billionaire's DemandWhere stories live. Discover now