- introduction/backstory -

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- Veneers POV -

As Veneer stuffed all his belongings into a small yet practical plastic bag, he waved goodbye to the inmates who had been rather nice to him. He looked back at his sister one last time. "Bye sis," he said before being escorted to a small, cramped, and desolate room. There, he was given his old belongings and clothes he wore before being arrested and told to put them on.

After putting on the extremely over-the-top outfit, he was released from prison and left to find his way home. As Veneer walked down the streets of Mount Rageous, a few people recognized him and asked for photos, to which he obliged. After what seemed like hours of walking, Veneer had finally reached his penthouse and... Evicted.

He was all alone—no house, no velvet, no friends to go to no-... Crimp! He could go and find Crimp! As Veneer was planning ways to find Crimp, he heard little tiny footsteps. He turned his head around to see his former assistant waddling over to the penthouse.

"Crimp? What are you doing here?" Veneer questioned.

"I, uh... I came to remove that 'Eviction Notice' poster from the door. The penthouse has been bought, so, uh..." Crimp mumbled, despite being the one to arrest Velvet and Veneer, she was still pretty scared of them.

"Why are you the one doing it and not a janitor or something?" inquired Veneer. To which Crimp replied, "I work here now as the receptionist's assistant."

Oh. Could you help me with something, Crimp? I need a place to stay."

"You could stay at a homeless shelter," Crimp suggested.

Veneer glared at her and gave her his iconic disgusted and judgmental stare before rolling his eyes and leaving.

While walking down the streets of Mount Rageous, Veneer checked his bag and to his surprise, he found 40 dollars that he had saved. Instead of buying cool new trendy clothes, Veneer decided to spend it on a hotel room for the night while he sorted himself out.


Veneer sat on the hotel bed, scrolling through his phone. He was trending, but this time not for his 'talent' but because he had just come out of jail and before he knew it, fans were knocking at his door. He ignored them, of course, it wasn't really safe to open the door so he decided to just fall asleep.

As soon as he woke up, Veneer looked at his phone to see a DM from none other than KidRitz. KidRitz had interviewed Velvet and Veneer once and that was all it took for Veneer to catch feelings for him. When he saw that KidRitz had DMed him, he felt his body warm up and a smile spread across his face. Veneer opened the DM and read it, KidRitz was inviting him to an interview. Immediately after reading the DM, Veneer got ready and headed straight to the studio.


Veneer sat patiently in the room in which he would be interviewed as he waited for KidRitz. After what seemed like an eternity, KidRitz entered.

"Hi," Veneer said

"Hi," replied Ritz.

It was awkward and they just sat there until it was time for the interview.






"Today, on a very special episode of 'The Bop on Top' We're interviewing former pop star and Fraud, Veneer. So Veneer, how do you feel after spending some time in jail?"

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