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Your P.O.V.

You awoke in your room with a yawn. Kurloz had left sometime during the day and probably returned to his room.

You frowned, something didn't feel right. You sat up looking around. The door was closed which you found odd. Kurloz usually left the door open for you.

You got up and opened the door. You had grown accustomed to sleeping with that open now, and you weren't quite sure what was really going on. You turned nearly leaping out of your skin when you saw him standing there.


Kurloz's P.O.V.

I panicked, she was gone. Just like that! I had only left for a few hours and when I came back...

It was like she was never there! How could I have let her slip away like that? She was my responsibility! She was my Moirail!

By the Angels of Double Death I would get (y/n) back. I would find her and get her back no matter what the cost!

I stormed out of the hive, Gamzee was hot on my heels but I didn't care right now. (Y/n) was missing! I wanted to scream her name but as usual I couldn't.

I cursed myself for sewing my lips shut and chewing off my tongue. It was likely the only thing stopping me from finding her right now.

I wanted to scream her name at the top of my lungs. Where could she have gone!

Just then I remember the garden, she loved it there!

I raced to the garden. Still no sign of her. I glanced around again. There was different coloured splatters on some of the flowers.

Oh crap! By the messiahs that was blood!

I felt my knees give out as I saw what I recognized as her (b/c) blood. The sweet sent of her hair was still fresh.

She couldn't be dead!

I frowned as I felt tears in my eyes. How long has it been since I've cried. I could barely remember. I sobbed openly. (Y/n) was kidnapped.

I didn't even look up as Gamzee strode into the garden calling my and (y/n)'s names.

He frowned when he saw what had happened. Even he could tell who's blood had been spilled here.

Your P.O.V.

You groaned. You had fought your attacker with all of your strength but in the process you opened up some of the still healing wounds.

You sighed, maybe fighting wasn't the best idea. You knew who attacked you though. You had seen his face before he shoved you into that bag. It was (name).

(Name) was your old Moirail. He had tried to kill you before and now was taking you hostage. You weren't sure why he was doing this now.

Your heart dropped when the bag you were in hit the floor. You knew that was bad news for you. I clawed even harder at the bag when the sound of your old Moirail's footsteps faded.

Blood was pouring down your back. You didn't care. You only wanted to get out of this living hell and find Kurloz. He made you feel safe. He made you feel happy.

You continued to fight against the bag till a soft scratching sound could be heard. You twisted in the direction of the sound but you couldn't see anything through the thick bag.

You growled. No one was going to touch you unless you knew they were safe. Right now no one was certain.

You twisted away as something prodded your side sharply. You hissed in pain, trying to figure out how you were going to get out of this mess.

Maybe Kurloz was coming to help you. He could get Mituna, and Gamzee to help.

You shook your head clearing it of the thought as the top of the bag finally opened. You howled in pain as (name) dragged you out of the bag by your hair and tossed you roughly against a wall. Apparently he never left after all.

Why was he doing this to you? He was your Moirail once! He shouldn't have tried to kill you in the first place!

You groaned pushing yourself up on your hands and knees. You didn't dare look at him.

"You were mine (y/n)! Mine! You can't be with him!" (Name) shouted.

You didn't even see the blow coming. You only felt as his foot collided with your ribs likely breaking one or two.

You coughed spitting (b/c) blood onto the floor. Not a good sign. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.

Your lungs burned. What was going to happen to you? You winced at the feel of a hand lightly touching your shoulder.

You recoiled at the featherlight touch, causing (name) to sneer. "You should trust me (y/n). After all you are going to be my Matesprit. I won't let Kurloz take that away from me."

Kurloz Makara x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя