V1 - C2 - P3: Revenance Pt2.

Start from the beginning

Eira charges at Kade, only to be struck by a half-broken dead tree, propelling her into another tree. Kade seizes the opportunity, slamming her into the tree and delivering punches to her ribs and face. However, he is unexpectedly punched by an unseen force, causing him to retreat from Eira and Riku.

Eira cleans the blood from her mouth.

Eira Morfiel:

Riku walks and stands beside her, tying her hair in a ponytail and wiping away the blood from her nose.

Circling each other, Kade cracks his neck and knuckles, glaring at the two women. He spits his blood on the ground, assuming a fighting stance against the duo.

The forest is hushed, the air still, time seeming to crawl for the trio. Sweat trickles down their foreheads as they maintain a prolonged gaze, locked in a tense standoff.

The System:

Kade and the two women charge at each other. He skillfully evades Eira's sword swing, attempting to deliver an uppercut to her jaw.

However, a sudden slash wound on his forearms interrupts his movement. Despite the pain, he persists with the punch, only to receive a blow to his stomach from an unseen force. He realizes that while his punch connected with Eira, she remained unaffected.

Kade Northwood(INT):
"So that's what she means by Redirection."
"My hits get redirected to random parts of my body, what an annoying ability."
"So I'll have to... do this!"

Kade's fist, still beneath her chin, swiftly maneuvers around her head, executing a fluid flip that sends her body to the ground. Simultaneously, he kicks dirt into Eira's eyes and skillfully dodges an incoming attack from Riku's sword.

The System:

Riku quickly retreats from Kade.

Hagakiri Riku:
"Ethereal Blade Dance–"

With blinding speed, he narrows the distance to Riku, delivering an uppercut to her chin and a front kick to her chest, causing her to stagger backward. She quickly clasps her hands together, and Kade feels a swift smack to both of his ears.

Clutching both of his ears, he receives a push kick to the face, causing him to stagger backward. Riku charges at him with a sword attack. Kade swiftly stands up, leaping back into a tree, then maneuvers behind it, taking a few steps back.

As Riku attempts to lunge towards him, he grabs onto a fallen dead tree and smashes it into her. Capitalizing on the moment, Kade digs his hand into the ground, grabbing a handful of dirt and smacking dirt in her eyes.

He proceeds to headbutt her repeatedly, followed by a series of punches to her face and stomach. A final uppercut to her chin knocks her out completely.

The System:

Grasping the back of her neck, he removes her glasses and breaks them, hurling them into the forest. Just as he's about to punch her again, his strike is redirected into his stomach.

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