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Today I wake up and look into Charlie cot to see a wide eyed Charlie sucking on his thumb."Charlie where's your dummy" I say looking at him to hear babbles,I was shocked and didn't understand what this meant so I just smiled and went to ask my mum."mum" I say "yes Nicky" she replies "Charlie just babbled what does that mean?" "Well Nicky he must be in baby space" she says laughing at me "oh okay" I say going back into the room and getting Charlie's pacifier and putting it in his mouth "come on then babe" I say lifting him out of the cot and into my arms getting a whiff of pee "change time" I say placing him onto the changing table for him to start crying "Charlie stay still" I say taking of his onesie and nappie and putting a new nappie on him and a fresh set of pjs as we're staying at home all day he may aswell be comfy.I pick Charlie back up and walk downstairs to see my mum with a bottle ready made for Charlie "thanks mum" I say and she smiles passing it to me,charlie starts getting fussy and cries I don't know what he wants he won't speak "Nicky give him here" my mum says and I do she places the bottle in his mouth and rocks him wich gets him too sleep quite quickly "thanks mum" I say walking charlie to his rocking chair and placing him into it strapping him in.
1 hour passes
I'm watching tv until I hear screams and cries coming from charlie he's killing me with his crying "shhh shh char I'm coming" I say picking him up and rocking him,it isn't working until I feel a wet patch on his bottom,hes wet obvcourse i say laughing going to get him changed.once he's changed I walk back downstairs and place him in his play pen wich gets him happy since he is care free in there until I come back in pick him up and sit him in his high chair for food.I place a couple peas and mash and gravy on his plate and start to feed him he takes 2 spoons of mash till he refuses his food,so I bribe him with a sip of my coke then he eats most of the food and i give him some coke wich then gets him crying because he tried gulping the whole drink.


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