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I've decided it's time for Charlie's bottle so I warmed it up and started to shake it till I heard a voice from the living room "dadaaa you is huwrry up" he whined "charlie that's not nice" I reply hoping he'd realise but no he instead replied with "biwtch"I was so shocked I raised my eyebrows "CHARLIE SPRING don't you EVER say that word" he looked at me teary eyed "I-I-I sor-ry" he said in between sobs "who taught you that word" I say "uwhm dada don't tell her off" he says "charlie who" "is Darwcy dada I sorry dada I bad" he said "hm I think you should go to your room for the rest of the night" I say "NU" he replies running off crying "charlie come here your only making the situation worse" I say following after until he gets to a door struggling to open it soon dropping to the floor crying "NU I IS NOT GOING"he says,I don't reply and just pick him up putting him over my shoulder while he's kicking me and slapping me soon giving up and going quiet.I reach upstairs entering our bedroom and place him in the bed "now you stay here and think about what you done okay?" I don't get a reply "okay?" I repeat "otay"he says quietly "good" I say leaving to Go downstairs and get his bottle because as mad as I am at him he can't be left without something to fill his tummy.I go back upstairs into the room and see Charlie with his dummy and teddy bear surrounded in blankets."charlie,here's your bottle" I say getting into bed he just scoots away from me still crying "charlie,you need to understand this isn't what you should be doing I'm just showing you the punishment,how bout this I'll stop being mad if you PROMISE you'll never say it again" he looks at me tears in his eyes so I wipe them and he hugs me saying"otay" quietly, I kiss his forehead and start to feed him his bottle.he soon falls asleep which was due and I cuddle up close to him and slept.


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