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Yn:dude let's play now
Kth:yeah let's play
Yn:yup its been a long time we played games

So,here yn n kth are playing games like gta,free fire n mlbb n etc
They don't know anything about eachother
As hey don't want to make uncomfortable each others
So they just know their. Name

But they always share what haooend in a day n etc
I play mlbb do any of u play this game]

Yn:so,did ur student did homework?
Kth:no i gave her double homework
Yn:ohh what a coincidence my Professor gave me double homework tok cause i Didn't did homework
Ahhh Biology sucks i hate that subject i am never gonna undertand this subject especially the 7th chapter
Kth:okay forget it what did u do in the whole day ex this prof chap
Yn: a boy proposed me
yn:don't worry i rejected him but why do u care i mean r u some kind of jealous?
Kth:no i was just shocked by the good news

Kth in mind
I will kill him if he was infront of me
He can't steal my girl

[Btw i forgot to tell u that in school everyone calls yn sarah but i'll write yn cause its my habit
Btw yn is also yn's name
Xd ]

Kth:btw why did u rejected him
Yn:nothing just that he is bf of my enemy they both r trying hard to insul t n bully me. But u know me i am savage plus smart

Kth:n how do u know their plans.
Yn:In their group their is a girl named lisa she is my childhood friend
She doesn't. Bully anyone
But she just joined their bully group just to save me from them by telling the plans
Kth:ur smart

N then they started to play games


MY COLD PROFESSOR  KTH FFWhere stories live. Discover now