Start from the beginning

"I can't believe you're still here," he exhaled, reclining back on his forearms to gaze at her.

"I swear, you say that almost every day," she remarked. Her hands reached in her backpack and she pulled out a tupperware container— the one pink one decorated with flower stickers— that had somehow become his over the last few days.

The sight of it brought a wide smile to JJ's face, as he eagerly opened it to reveal a peanut butter jelly sandwich and a cupcake. Any kind of food made the boy ecstatic, especially sandwiches that weren't covered in mould. He was a firm believer that food was the way to a man's heart.

Without a word, he picked up the sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth, while the girl smiled at him, shaking her head. It had become part of their routine.

"What flavor is the cupcake today?" he inquired, his mouth still full of sandwich. If she found it repulsive, she never let on, always maintaining her infectious smile.

"Red velvet. But I didn't use cream cheese frosting for yours." she answered, swivelling her body to face him and crossing her legs. "I found something for you," she added.

"Do I want to know what you managed to find this time?" he chuckled, brushing his palms off against his leg after taking his final bite of the sandwich. Five bites, a new record. He pivoted his body to face her and mimicked her position, crossing his own legs.

"Promise, it's worth it," she chimed, extending her hands to place an object in his palms.

"Please tell me you haven't taken a sand dollar again," he said, looking down at the object and pausing momentarily. A smile of his own began to form on his face as he examined the blackened shark tooth in wonder. "You found this on the rocks?" he asked, briefly glancing at her before bringing it up to his eye, squinting exaggeratedly as if to verify its authenticity.

In response, she hummed softly, and their eyes, two shades of blue, locked in a captivating gaze. "You know, according to Hawaiian mythology, shark teeth are believed to be protective talismans," she concluded.

He shook his head in disbelief, watching her play with his plaited bracelet on her wrist before responding, "You and Pope would definitely get along."

"Does that mean I'll eventually get to meet him? Pick his brain about nerdy things while you complain and wish you were somewhere else."

JJ knew she was absolutely right. Once he introduced her to the rest of the pogues, she would instantly become their friend, not just his. John B would steal her to watch murder mysteries, Kie and her would go watch turtles hatch, and Pope, oh god— he did not want to imagine that. They'd probably study together. During summer. The thought almost made him shutter, but at the same time, a sense of pride whirled through him, knowing his friends would adore Matilda.

"Hmm yeah, pretty much!"

She laughed at that, her nose scrunching up slightly, before her eye drifted to the shark tooth in his hands. "You could make it into a necklace or something," she suggested, gesturing towards the tooth.

"Like the Hawaiians?"

"Like the Hawaiians," she confirmed, "Besides, it might keep you out of trouble," she whispered in amusement.

UNCHARTED WATERS, jj maybank, rafe cameron Where stories live. Discover now