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I woke up to soap shaking me awake. God I really hate when he does this but at least it's not all the time. He only does it when he's excited about something or I'm late to something. "Y/N GET UP WE'RE LEAVING SOON" he yelled. Its too early for this shit. "Leaving for what?" I asked. "TO SEE YOUR LITTLE BF" he yelled. I shot up not because of what he said but because of how loud he said it.

"Cant be any louder can you?" I asked him. What if price heard that omg he would kill me. He's like a father to me. The father I wish I had growing up. I'm not saying I didn't have a dad growing up I did but he wasn't acting like a dad. Drinking every day and bringing different females home isn't what a father would do. Price is loving, caring, thoughtful, and he treats me like I'm his daughter. By this I mean he's very protective of me.

I love him I really do. But anyways we should start heading out. We're supposed to go to the airport since we won't be going in the helicopter. I hate airplanes so much. Nobody knows this since you know we haven't flown in an airplane together. I grabbed my bag and slipped on my shoes. Soap and I are walking out side by side joking around and just talking. Once we reach the car I put my bag in the back.

I hopped into the front passenger seat since I deserve my personal space. Price is driving us to the airport while ghost and soap are in the back. I have the aux so I started playing songs that soap requested. I soon got tired and played some of the songs I like. I played Bruno Mars and sang my heart out. Ghost got tired of me singing and asked to put a song on. I let him but when I tell you his music taste is ASS I mean it ASS.

         Time Skip to the airport

We got into the airport and my nerves started setting in. What if something goes wrong? What if we crash? God I really hate flying. Whatever it's just a 3 hour flight I'll be fine. We went to our gate and waited for our group to go in. The wait time was around 30 minutes so me and soap went to get Starbucks. I ordered my usual while soap just got a water. That's so lame, anyway. We walked back to our gate together. We checked our seats and found that ghost was sitting next to me while price and soap sat together.

It's time to board. I feel like throwing up. I hate this. I want to cry. Why couldn't we drive there? Now where's my seat?? Ummm I'll just ask ghost to find our seats. "Ghost?" He looked at me. "Ummm can u find our seats?" I asked him. "To the right your seat is the window one" he replied to me. Oh great I hate having the window seat. "Thanks" is all I told him. I put my bag on the top and sat down. Ghost sat down next to me and looked straight ahead. Maybe he's checking to make sure nobody's sitting with us? I don't know he's confusing.

It's seems like everyone has boarded. But our aisle seat it still open. Huh maybe the person missed their flight? I wish I missed this flight. Whatever there's no going back now. What's done is done. It's not like I can just jump out of the plane. Ughhh whatever I'll be fine. I'll just say a prayer before we take off.

Here goes the take off, I hate this. I feel like I'm sideways then I'm like upside down. I don't like it whatsoever. "Ghost can I hold your hand?" I asked. When I get scared I usually hold on to something or someone and the only one near me right now is ghost. "Negative." WOW HOW RUDE OF HIM! Fine I'll just hold on to my seat. I don't need anything I'm fine. But I would feel better if we were on land.

"Sooooo are you talking to Carmen" I asked curiously. I think it would be cute. ONLY BECAUSE OF THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE AND HOW THEY ARE!! I mean ghost is 6'2 and Carmen is just above 5'2. "Cant say" he replied with a little chuckle. He didn't deny it??😦 "I approve of the relationship" I think she can change him for the better.

Time Skip to when we got to Mexico
Again I'm waken up by someone shaking me. If it's soap I won't hesitate to smack him. WAIT.....HAVE WE LANDED!?!?! "Have we landed??" I asked. My eyes can't adjust? What the fuck?!?  "Yes ma'am we've landed at the Mexican airport." WAIT........ THATS A FEMALES VOICE?!?? THATS NOT SOAP??? . "Thank you" was all I could tell her.

I got off the plane and called soap. "WOULD YOU LIKE TO EXPLAIN WHY I WAS LEFT ON THE PLANE!!?" I yelled at him through the phone. "Y/n calm down we landed not even 5 minutes ago. We're in the bathroom . We haven't left you, just stand outside the gate we've just came out of." He replied calmly. "Fine" I wasn't going to argue with him so I stayed put. Why couldn't we have just taken the helicopter? It would've been much easier.

A few moments later I see the group coming up to me without their bags. Wait? what? Without their bags? Did they loose them? I doubt it, price is always on top of stuff. "Come on Y/n our ride is here" price said to me. You're telling me they went to the bathroom, got a ride, put their bags in the car and came back for me? Ummmmm I'm pretty sure that would've taken longer than it did but whatever.

As we begin our walk to the car soap comes up to me. Can he at least help me with my bag I'm tired. I slept for most of the flight but I'm still tired. "Are you excited to meet Alejandro" he asked with a smirk. Ummm what the fuck? I just find him cute. Plus I'm sure he has a girlfriend or something. "Welp I guess. I don't know to be honest. He's cute but he probably has a girlfriend or something. Plus I doubt he'll even look my way." Maybe I came off a bit desperate. I don't know and who cares.😛

"Buenos días hermosa"||Alejandro Vargas Where stories live. Discover now