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I joined the task force about a few months ago. It wasn't what I hoped it was. My brother had joined the same team I was in and we got along pretty well. Besides us arguing about what the plan was going to be we got along well. My captain had called me to his office and told me I was being transferred to task force 141. I of course wasn't completely sure if I wanted too but as I asked my brother for advice he said to go for it and that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's not everyday you get noticed by the one and only CAPTAIN PRICE!
                       Time Skip a few months later

I had been hanging out watching tv with ghost, soap, and price when he got a call. Ghost was sitting on the couch busy watching the cooking show that soap had put on to waste some time. I on the other had watched as price went out of the room to take the phone call. I hated not knowing what was going on. Soap noticed me getting worried so he asked me to dance. He put on some batchata music. To be honest I'm not a great dancer, after all my parents didn't really teach me.

Price walked in as I was dancing with soap. "You guys suck" both ghost and price said at the same time. "Hey it's not my fault y/n is stiff" soap said with a chuckle. "AM NOT" I said. They all chuckled at my reaction. I didn't find what I said even close to funny. "I just got a phone call from an old friend of ours". He for some reason seemed excited? Was this like a oh yeah we worked together or a like we don't like them type of old friend?

"So what's up?" I asked curiously. "Our old friend Alejandro Vargas wants us to visit him for a bit." Price replied to me with a smile. "YOU MEAN AS IN THE ALEJANDRO VARGAS?!?!?" Soap yelled out with excitement. I was of course confused I mean is this so called Alejandro that important? Ghost noticed my confusion and explained who Alejandro was. "Alejandro is a very good friend of ours don't worry, we helped him find El Sin Nobre a while back. We haven't seen him in a while that's all." Ohhh so it's a oh yeah we worked together type of old friend good to know. "Are we going to visit him?" I genuinely wanted to know plus I would like to meet him seems like he's well know.

"OF COURSE WE ARE, RIGHT PRICE??" Soap asked eagerly. What causes this man to have so much excitement? I swear one day I'd like to know how he always has something new to say. "Yes soap we will go and visit him just calm down and I suggest you guys start packing because we leave tomorrow morning." Price replied. Oh so we are going? Great I haven't traveled in quite a while! "Wait where exactly are we going?" I asked. "We're going to Las Almas, you know were that is right?" Ghost asked with a hint of sarcasm. WHO DOES THIS MAN THINK HE IS???

"I believe it's in Mexico right?" I replied. I've heard of it just never went or anything like that. "You would be correct, now go and pack time passes by quickly" price replied. With that we all went to our rooms to pack. I looked around my room for my bag I brought with me when I transferred but couldn't find it. I could've sworn I left it in my closet what the fuck? Did I move it? I doubt it I never move stuff from where I leave them. I guess I'll look harder for it. (After 15 minutes of searching) AGHHHH FINALLY I FOUND IT! Why is it under my bed though? Ehh who cares LETS START PACKING!!!

I ended up packing about 4 summer dresses, 3 pair of shorts, 5 long sleeves, 4 pair of baggy jeans, last but not least some flared jeans. You never know what if I got to a party and don't feel like wearing a dress? Doesn't seem that bad right? Ehh who cares it's my clothes. I also packed some of my sandals not much just like 2 pair and 2 pair of my sneakers. I'm not always going to wear my boots. Plus we'll be on vacation!!! I'm set to go but im going to take a shower I've had a long day.

2 hours later

I finished my shower and I was getting into my pjs. I don't think I packed any for our trip. It's whatever I'll just buy some sweats or something while I'm there. As I was about to lay in bed someone knocked on my bedroom door. Ughhhhh "who is it?" I asked. "MEEEEE" oh it's soap. "COME IN " i yelled. Soap walked into my room while it seemed he was texting someone. Maybe he got a little girlfriend I don't know but that'll be cute.

"What's up soapy?" I asked him. Yes I gave him a nickname. When I found out he went by soap I laughed. I'm not joking I laughed right in his face without meaning to and I called him soapy which he laughed at too. That my friends is how we become besties. "Do you even know who Alejandro is?" he asked me. I guess he caught on that I had no clue. "Umm well actually I don't. Who is he? Is he cute? IM JOKING DONT TELL ANYONE I ASKED THAT" He laughed. "Here look" he said and showed me a picture of a very handsome man. "Oh he's cute"was all I could say. Soap just kept laughing.Was this funny to him? I'm not going to lie I haven't been with anyone and by that I mean like I haven't had a bf.

I mean like never ever. Soap knew this and tried setting me up with ghost but no. I mean he isn't bad but IVE NEVER SEEN HIM WITHOUT HIS MASK! It's like he ate, showered, and slept in it. That man for sure has some dedication. But it didn't work because me and ghost see each other as friends nothing more. Plus i think he's talking to my best friend Carmen.

I introduced them while I was on FaceTime with Carmen a while back. Quite funny now that I think about it. I was getting ready while on FaceTime with Carmen when ghost barged into my room asking if I had seen soap. Carmen thought I had my AirPods in and said "WOAH Y/N WHOS THAT??? THE MASK IS KINDA HOT" And with that ghost walked out of my room. I told Carmen who it was and she thought he was cute. She doesn't even know what he looks like. I swear she's dumb.


"Buenos días hermosa"||Alejandro Vargas Where stories live. Discover now