Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning

Just as Mr. O'Reilly told the class to clear their boards, Kimmy saw David raise his hand out of the corner of her eye.

"Mr. O'Reilly?"

"Yes, David?" He acknowledged the boy.

Kimmy couldn't turn her head to look in David's direction. She figured he must have had a bingo, as well. But that wasn't what he said, which caused her head to turn on its own in alarm.

"Kimmy was raising her hand."

Kimmy felt all eyes fall in her direction and her body locked up, upping her heart rate even more. If that was even possible. With the attention on her, Kimmy could only stare at the game board on her desk. She couldn't even look up when Mr. O'Reilly spoke to her and when he came to stand beside her desk, her hands gripped the edges on either side of her chair.

Kimmy watched Mr. O'Reilly's finger as he moved each piece of candy. Surely, at least one had to be a mistake.

For a moment, Kimmy zoned out before she heard Mr. O'Reilly congratulate her and head towards his desk to grab what looked like a party bag tied closed with orange and black ribbons used for gift wrapping. A new pencil with black cats, including one on the large eraser stuck out. He set it to the side of her bingo board.

She won? Kimmy stared at the party bag with black cartoon bats, wondering if this was real or if she had somehow fallen asleep.

Mr. O'Reilly did one last round of Bingo. This time, Kimmy didn't participate. Besides, it wasn't like she would be allowed to win again. He wanted everyone to have a fair chance at winning a prize, even though he had brought something for the entire class, regardless.

She sat there for the entirety of the last round, staring at the bag. To the point, one of the moms who came to help out with the party startled her when the woman set a paper cup on her desk, bringing Kimmy back to reality. She watched as the mom moved on as if she hadn't noticed.

Bingo ended and Mr. O'Reilly directed the class's attention to the moms, now that they were finished setting up.

Well, most of them were moms.

Kimmy shook her head, blinking as if she had seen a ghost or something. She looked again to see she wasn't seeing things. Among the moms, Ben was standing there. But when did he get there? Kimmy had noticed each time when the classroom door opened. Did he just get there while Kimmy was focused on her bingo?

One of the moms took charge, having each kid line up in a single file line to get what they wanted once they washed their hands.

Kimmy stayed at her desk while the rest went to get in line at the classroom sink. She watched as her classmates took turns washing their hands with the soap Mr. O'Reilly supplied himself, some taking more than needed, including with the paper towels. Each kid would then hurry over to get in line, taking a plate from Ben.

Kimmy still could not believe Ben was there. Stella sometimes pitched in with drinks or snacks if they could afford it, but she would just send the stuff with Kimmy that day. To be honest, parents didn't help out with class parties at her old school. Not unless it was their kid's birthday and they brought in cupcakes or donuts for the entire class, and even that was a rare treat.

Mr. O'Reilly appeared at her desk once more. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he spoke.

Mr. O'Reilly must have noticed he scared her because he apologized and kneeled beside her. "You don't want to eat? This is in place of lunch, today, you know."

Kimmy looked at him, still spooked from, not only the double spooks but the dread she felt during her bingo victory.

He gave her plenty of time to answer. Kimmy knew her teacher wasn't expecting a verbal answer, but she still felt overwhelmed and had to look away again. Out of the corner of her eye, a concerned look appeared on his face. Mr. O'Reilly suggested they step outside. He was more gentle about it than other teachers who asked to speak with her outside the classroom. So, she found it easier to stand and follow him.

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