1. Soothing edge

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I WOKE UP AT 5 AM, as I always do. Sun had not risen up yet, world outside my window cloaked in darkness. But within the walls of my room of grand mansion, the lights were already ablaze, illuminating the opulence that surround me

This is my sanctuary, it can also be called my fortress of solitude. Although it's prison, if you are considering limitimations being attached with me

Yet it's soothing...

As I stood by the window, gazing out at the vast expanse of estate. A breeze, cold beyond expectations clash on my face

Aah. Too cold.. Winter hasn't started yet but there we have sick-making breeze

Climate change has become one of the major concern across the world, every country came together to handle this situation in person

Thanks to them I can experience winter much earlier before the deadline here

Winter had already made my one of favourite season when I first came to learn it through books back then

Story of snow warriors? It is a fictional novel I am recently reading on. In this, a male protagonist called Fuyuki who's a slave of Troupe Snow explorer quite peculiar name

Later in the story he ran away from troupe, he had thought of that he lacks something and to fulfil that he ran away. What did he lack? It's freedom, something I could relate with, even to fictional character

What is freedom?

Something that I haven't achieved? Something I never get hands on? Something I wish to have...?

Freedom define as quality or state of being not controlled by anyone; state where one do thing's of own, not any second or third person

However, there's one more word that can be inplaced. It's 'Liberty' which defined as one can do own's thing without restrictions or any obligation

I have several books related to 'Freedom' and 'Liberty' as I pondered about it.. It was also because my mind has plagued with questions

Understanding something complex is far easier than understanding very basic of life. Reasons can't be found, mind is of dilemma, everything is meaningless..

Those aren't only words I incapable of understanding, as I mentioned earlier, very basic of life is puzzling to me and 'Emotion' is one of them

Happiness, surprise, contempt, sadness, fear, disgust, and anger are all emotions that every human innate from the beginning. I might had innate them, too but eventually it all fade, I suppose

Emotions are primary quality which make human, if I can't feel them or comprehend, may I still be called human?

It questions my all life as human. The most perplexing of my existence is my inability to feel or understand emotions. It is as if I am observer, a mere spectator in the theatre of life. I watched several individuals who has laugh, cry and love..

I remain detached from the beginning, back in the days of WhiteRoom. Students there also have kind of emotions in themselves as I had watched them tremble, fear, and weep miserably

Those were negative emotions, triggered when a individual have atrocious sight or feeling. They tremble, their legs cripple and eventually disposed because of it

Even in the cruelty, there was exception... However she fails and throw out eventually. She was an excellent student, better than most of the students.. I was stupid, to thought she will overcome. She tugged me, and were crying watching me getting far out of her range

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