Chapter 6. The bus

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...The man screamed. The next thing he knew he saw nothing. Elizabeth gouged his eyes out as they got buried in her hair revealing his eye sockets. Elizabeth smiled but then quickly wiped that smirk off her face. She then started walking away from the bodies as her hair extended and gouged her eyes out. They were buried in her hair as Hazel Green eyes were replaced and sewn into her eye sockets. Elizabeth continued to walk. She had blood on the parts that she stitched back up since she just got a new torso. She didn't really know where she could possible wash the blood off.

Then she saw a place called McDonalds. Intrigued, she went to it. Her hair extended as the door was opened by her hair. She stepped in her hair dropping back on the ground as the door closed behind her. Elizabeth saw people eating food and chattering. But then they all went quiet as they looked at her. She remembered she had blood on her so that was probably the reason for it. Elizabeth saw a little girl with a bunny stuffy with a sewn on eye, some tares here and there, and it was a white bunny that was a bit worn down. Elizabeth's eyes locked on it. She looked at the little girls eyes. They were... beautiful.... The little girl had green and blue eyes. Elizabeth had never seen anything like it. 

Her hair extended. She was so intrigued. Her hair sprang at the little girl.. Blood going everywhere as people screamed in fear.. The little girls eyes were gouged out as she screamed in pain. The eyes were buried in Elizabeth's hair as she slowly walked towards the little girl. Then taking her stuffy. She held it in her arms as the little feet dangled. The little girl fell to the ground screaming as her eye sockets were exposed. Others screamed and the little girls mother screamed and cried. She ran to her daughter and picked her up running away. Elizabeth's eyes followed as she felt the guilt for killed her mother flow over her.

She didn't know what to do.. Why did she do that..? why must she do this to people..? she had no clue but she couldn't resist the beautiful eyes people had. Elizabeth's hair then sprang out as it stabbed into the mothers back.. Then resting back onto the ground. The mother spat out blood and screamed before falling to the ground.. Blood flowed onto the ground creating a huge puddle. Elizabeth thought to herself on what to do now. She had blood all over her.. She quickly ran out side her hair opening the doors. Police were outside and aiming guns. They yelled and started shooting at her. Her hair extended and covered her whole body. The bullets just fell on the ground. She then started walking away as the bullets were reflected by her hair.

Police started to chase after her and she quickly started running. Her hair kept protecting her as she ran. Then seeing an alleyway. She ran into it. Her hair extending and springing as it smashed into the sides of the buildings. She then was pushed upwards as she went into the air. Landing safely on a roof as her hair acted as a bouncy bed for her. Then dropping on the ground. She started running on the roof. The police noticed and fired at her as her hair sprang up and protected her as a shield. She ran on the roof top before getting to the edge. She jumped down. And suddenly saw a school bus? 

She ran to it and jumped on it smashing through a window with her hair. She hit the ground as kids screamed. The bus driver got distracted and the bus swerved. There was a cliff right there so the bus hit the edge and started to lean forward and fall off as kids screamed. Elizabeth breathed heavily as she noticed it was about to fall off a cliff. Her hair quickly sprang up and smashed through 2 windows knocking 2 kids unconscious. Her hair smashed into a building and the bus was pulled backwards away from the cliff. When it was away from the cliff Elizabeth's hair rested on the ground letting go of the walls. 

Her eyes then slowly closed as she fell forward. Falling unconscious. The last thing Elizabeth saw was a boy looking at her terrified. People screamed. They ran around. Thinking a mass killer was on the loose. Everybody was panicking. And some even tripped over her hair in the way from panicking so much. Elizabeth sleep on the ground and holding the stuffed bunny close to her. Police rushed to the bus and ambulance as well. Elizabeth's eyes shot open as her hair sprang upward smashing into the top of the bus and taking the whole thing off as it got thrown into a building. Her hair flew out and smashed into the ground as she sprang upwards. 

Her eyes locked with a students. This person had brown eyes. Her hair extended as it held her in the air.. Gouging out the persons eyes revealing their eye sockets as their eyes were buried in her hair. She smiled widely in amusement. Then wiping the smirk off her face and landing safely on the ground. Police fired at her as her hair protected her as a shield. Elizabeth ran off and her hair smashed through the wall of walmart. She saw so many people... So many eyes.. She didn't even know where to start.. Her hair extended.. Screams filled throughout the store.. as well as the blood..

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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