Secret Of The Roar

Start from the beginning

Kion: Oh i see...

Askari: But beware Kion if you stay split for too long your going to start losing memory.

Rani: Oh dear!

Kion: So Askari, i can only use Earth, Wind, Lightning, why i can't use the rest of the elemental.

Askari: Is because your just a beginner, so you started with Earth, Wind, Lightning.

Kion: So how do i unlock the rest of the elemental.

Askari: I not sure, but some elemental can be unlock within you.

Kion: Ok Thank You Askari!

Askari faded in the cloud

Rani: Kion! Should we tell everyone about this?

Kion: Sure, maybe during dinner?

Rani: Ok


Daypride has finish their patrol and was about to meet the others at the Tree Of Life to have Dinner.

Kion: Day Pride you made it, how was the patrol?

Fuli: Nothing bad happen

Rani: Good to hear, and also everyone, me and Kion got some information about the painting and Kion Power.

Baliyo: Can we have dinner first?

Rani: Ok bro (Chuckles).

Everyone sat down to have dinner and Surak started the conversation.

Surak: So what the painting about?

Kion: Is something called Elemental Roar Of The Elder

Surak: What that?

Rani: There are 8 elemental Earth, Wind, Lightning, Leaf, Fire, Water, Ice, Light. But so far Kion only can use Earth, Wind, Lightning.

Surak: How will he unlock the rest?

Kion: I dont know yet but Askari said that it will unlock in me.

Surak: I see, and also how were you able to split into 3?

Kion: That called Elemental Split where i can choose to split into any elemental. But there a catch.

Nirmala: What is it?

Rani: If Kion were to split for too long he will start losing memories.

Nirmala: Oh dear!

Everyone finish their dinner. Kion and Rani came to see Makini about the painting.

Kion: Makini can i see the painting again?

Makini: Sure Kion

Makini hit the painting with the bakora staff and the painting started glowing alongside Kion mark.

Makini hit the painting with the bakora staff and the painting started glowing alongside Kion mark

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