Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

Konig removes you from the wall and slams your body back down onto the cot - his massive frame enveloping you. You remove your hands from his wrists and bring them to his neck to try and choke him. A small chuckle came from the giant man as he was able to grab both of your wrist in his hand and pin them above your head. His weight evenly distributed between the hand holding your wrists and the one around your throat.

"I wonder how upset your boyfriend will be once he sees how your body submits to me?" Konig asks you dangerously.

Your body stiffens at his question, but a sense of relief swept through you indicating that Ghost wasn't dead.

"Which one was it again? Ghost or his friend they call Soap?" Konig let out a small laugh once he seen the expression on your face. "What? Didn't think we knew?" He says as he brings his face close to yours, "We've been watching you all for a while," he pauses, "Trying to find the perfect opportunity to get you."

Your stomach turned at his words. You were right, it was all a set up. Nausea coarsed through you again as you try to remove yourself from Konigs grasp.

"I-I'm going to throw up," you tell him lowly. Your body lunges forward as he removes his hands off you. You lean over the side of the cot and start dry heaving - trying to get whatever was in your stomach out. The migraine you still had didn't help either, and you knew that was probably the culprit to your nausea.

You took deep breaths as you tried to regain some sort of composure. Whatever this shit that was upsetting your stomach and making you sick was getting old and annoying. You jump at the touch of Konigs big hand on your back. You felt disgusted. Every part of you want to shower and scrub the living hell out of your skin.

"Throwing up. No fever and no signs of an infection or cold," Konig said out loud, but it came out more like a question. You laid there on your side, frozen and not wanting to move - his hand still on your back like a weight holding a piece of paper down. "Hmmm." He grabs you by your shoulder and pulls you so you are on your back again staring at his green eyes.

He brings his fingers to the side of your neck - checking your pulse. You freeze not wanting to move, knowing this man could snap your neck at any given moment. He trails his fingers down your throat and stopping at your sternum between your breasts. Your breath hitched from his unknown movements and unknown intentions.

Konig grabs one of your breasts and your hands immeidalty fly to his face. He catches your hands and pins them above your head yet again. You try to wiggle out of his grasp, only realizing you were arching your back and giving him a better angle at touching you. He trails his hand down to your stomach and pushes lightly.

"Ow! Stop!," you yell at him. Nausea hits you again as tight pressure hits your stomach.

Konig clicked his tongue before sitting up and removing both of his hands off you, "Tsk tsk tsk Leibling." You lay there on high alert as Konig sits back on his knees between your legs, arms crossed. You look up at him with a confused look on your face, not knowing what in the fuck he meant and why his demeanor changed.

"What?" You ask him with a sharp tone. You couldn't see his face, but seeing how his eyes were slightly squinted, you could tell he was smiling.

Konig uncrosses his arms as he positions himself over you again. This time, you don't try to stop him - you just lay there. Your body and mind tired of fighting a losing battle. "You don't know," he says inches away from your face.

"Don't know what?" You ask as you furrow your brows. You watch as his eyes go from yours, back to your stomach and then meeting your eyes again. You still lay there under him confused at the message he was trying to send. Your mind thought maybe you had something on your shirt or shit, did you start your period and it was coming through.


Your eyes start scanning everything around you fast while you tried to think of when you had your period last. Nothing. Nothing came to mind. You swallowed hard when the realization of the nausea and sickness and why it was hitting you at random.

Tears stung your eyes once again, but this time you didn't know if it was from happiness or sorrow. You had too many emotions going through you at the moment. Your watery eyes drifted back to Konigs as your green eyes met his.

"Pl-please don't hurt me," you say to him in a faint whisper.

Konig chuckled before getting closer to your face, "Not while you're with child Liebling," he pauses. "But I promise I will make you feel good."

You swallow hard as the tears ran down the side of your face and onto the cot you were laying on. Now you really had a reason to get the fuck out of here - you just had to play it smart. It wasn't about you anymore, but about the tiny human you had growing inside you now.

You felt Konig get off you as you stared at the ceiling. You didn't move, but you could hear him getting further away from you. The door screeched again as he opened it and you nearly jumped out of your skin when he slammed it shut. You were left in this quiet room, but your thoughts were too loud.

You placed your hand on your stomach and thought of the many ways you would escape this place, tell Ghost he was going to be a father and the names you both will pick out together.

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can take their place.

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